Welcome in our IOS 2020's Group. thanks for joining us. Staytune on the schedule, please. ππ. We would like to inform that @Ahmad will give presentation on 4 pm (GMT +7).
[2/2 17.05] +62 856-3205-774:
I am Dita Wisudyawati, a MSc graduates of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands. In this respect, I am the event organizer of IOS 2020 and I am also responsible as the host of the topic today. We also have a translator that may help us in translation if necessary. The translator is Ms.Shobrina...so Ms.Shobrina the floor is yours...
[2/2 17.12] +62 856-3205-774:
So by the time waiting Ms.Shobrina, I would like to welcome you all today in this IOS group. Hope all of you have a good weekend. Today we have Mr. Muhammad Browijoyo Santanumurti as the keynote speaker with the topic of *How to improve aquaculture in Taiwan*. The topic today consists introduction, presentation of the topic, discussion, closing by Mr. Muhammad Browijoyo, and closing by me. So stay tune in this group and prepare yourself, enjoy :)
[2/2 17.16] +62 856-4662-9888:
Hello everyone, I am Shobrina, a master student of IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia. During this discussion, I will be the translator to help you understand every part of the discussion you join. Thank you. So, please Ms. Dita the floor is yours again .
[2/2 17.18] +62 856-3205-774: Here you go guys, thank you Shobrina for your time availability as a translator in this IOS group. I hope everything goes well today. One more time, I say thanks to you, Ms. Shobrina :)
[2/2 17.19] +62 856-3205-774: Well, ladies and gentlemen...let's start the IOS today, welcome Mr. Muhammad Browjioyo Santanurmurti. The floor is yours :)
[2/2 17.19] +62 896-7781-4822: Well. Thankyou very much Mbak Dita and Mbak Shobrina
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: My name is Muhammad Browijoyo Santanumurti
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: You can call me bro or ahmad here, up to you.
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: Currently, I am a junior lecturer in Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: I am a PhD student of King Abdulaziz University. Unfortunately, because of my visa matters, I am still in Indonesia and we can meet in our beloved faculty.
[2/2 17.21] +62 896-7781-4822: So please pray for me for my visa matter and do not be shy to come for me. π
[2/2 17.21] +62 896-7781-4822: I am happy that we can meet even in WA group. Because the lecturer, teacher, student and alumni here are “phenomenal”. The youngest university in Airlangga but awesome human resources.
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: Thank you for the opportunity given by the IOS 2020 committee. Hopefully the given information can be useful for others.
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: Today I want to tell a story when I lived in Taiwan, a country where now one of our friends, Pak Hadi, is also studying there to continue his doctorate.
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: The title of today's story is "How to improve aquaculture in Taiwan".
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: Actually, I will give speech about the history of Taiwan in the field of aquaculture.
[2/2 17.23] +62 896-7781-4822: The rest can be discussed via the group later.
[2/2 17.23] +62 896-7781-4822: You can use “bahasa” or “javanese” if you want π
[2/2 17.24] +62 896-7781-4822: First of all I will introduce a little bit about the Taiwan.
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Taiwan has an area of 36,193 m2, compared to Indonesia with 1,905 million m2.
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Even compared to East Java, East Java is still broad (47,800 m2).
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Small country....
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Taiwan's population is 23.78 million while East Java is 38.85 million.
[2/2 17.26] +62 896-7781-4822: Even though it is less widespread and human resources, Taiwan can achieve successfull in the field of fisheries. In 2015, Taiwan grouper industry was reached 2nd in the world, under China and above Indonesia. In 2014, Taiwan ranked 21st in the World Top Fisheries FAO ranking. This achievement in the field of fisheries, especially those achieved by Taiwan is not easy. Through a long time.
[2/2 17.27] +62 896-7781-4822: The aquaculture period in Taiwan is divided into 4 periods. First period (1960s-1970s), second period (1980s), third period (1990s) and fourth period (2000s).
[2/2 17.28] +62 896-7781-4822: Let's talk about first period. Before the 1980s, aquaculture growth relied on quantity, with few management measures imposed.
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: It was characterized by a humble beginning after World War II and then an expansion in the 1970s. The potential of aquaculture development was big. Advanced culture techniques for fish species such as silvercarp, grass carp,mullet and oyster were established. The use of advanced technologies in larviculture importantly won Taiwan a leading position in the world
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: Next, the second period
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: This period is in the 1980s
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: During this period, the development of Taiwan's aquaculture accelerated, driven by high profitability and prospects of further expansion.
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: With the huge increase in production, part of the production turned to export markets
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: In 1987, just the production of a single species, giant tiger prawn, attained a record high of 78,548 t, ranked as the world's top one, accounting for 44 percent of global production In addition, eel culture developed quickly as well due to its high market price
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: The areas for farming Japanese eel increased from 2395 ha in 1980 to 3966 ha in 1990 and during the same period the production increased from 33,073 t to a historic high of 54,165 t in 1990.
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: Furthermore, Taiwan's aquaculture growth reached its high point of 332,844 t in 1990. The high production of farmed fish provided a significant source of foreign exchange earnings and brought about unprecedented prosperity to local fishing villages
[2/2 17.35] +62 896-7781-4822: The third period is the sad one:
[2/2 17.35] +62 896-7781-4822: This period is in the 1980s
[2/2 17.35] +62 896-7781-4822: I mean 1990s
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: The negative environmental effects caused by inland culture intensified as a result of its rapid expansion
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: Pumping large volumes of underground water led to land subsidence in the west coasts of Taiwan where culture ponds aggregated
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: These areas were vulnerable to floods when torrential rain poured down or typhoons struck
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: Conversion of coastal areas into culture ponds degraded natural habitats
[2/2 17.37] +62 896-7781-4822: Virus outbreaks were particularly acute for shrimp culture, leading to the demise of this industry. It is noted that in the 1990s, viruses, notably the Whitespot Syndrome Virus and Yellowhead Virus, spread to China, Taiwan, Korea, India, the Philippines and even tropical America and caused catastrophic losses in shrimp farms across Asia
[2/2 17.37] +62 896-7781-4822: In this period, Taiwan's aquaculture entered a declining stage, as evidenced by the continuous decrease of production during the 1990s
[2/2 17.37] +62 896-7781-4822: The environmental effects, coupled with weak governance, awoke the government into initiating the urgent restructuring of aquaculture and building a sound management system; management measures started to be adopted and implemented, and continued into the 2000s
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: And the last period, the fourth period is the hope and Taiwan's future
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: This period is from the 2000s to the present day
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: This is a period of steady development as well as enhanced management
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: Numerous measures have been successively put in place, and the production gradually achieves a growth pattern, attaining other highs in 2003 and 2012 at 359,000 t and 347,000 t, respectively, surpassing the high point in 1990 when aquaculture was at in its peak growth
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: Furthermore, other salient outcomes achieved include: improved aquaculture product safety, new development of ornamental fish culture, increasing exports of fish species such as grouper and tilapia
[2/2 17.41] +62 896-7781-4822: So how Taiwan can overcome the huge problem in the third period?
[2/2 17.41] +62 896-7781-4822: The answer is.............
[2/2 17.41] +62 896-7781-4822: “Management Aquaculture"
[2/2 17.42] +62 896-7781-4822: Since the early 1990s when environmental effects became crazy and aquaculture was in a bad condition, the government has been aware of the importance of enhanced governance on aquaculture and started to establish a number of management measures
[2/2 17.42] +62 896-7781-4822: First, restructuring the aquaculture industry
[2/2 17.42] +62 896-7781-4822: During the 1970s and 1980s, a project of restructuring aquaculture was adopted in 1992; the aim was to transform aquaculture into an environmentally and socially responsible food source
[2/2 17.43] +62 896-7781-4822: Specific strategies in this project included: promoting brackish water culture, discouraging freshwater inland culture, cracking down on illegal pumping of groundwater, building water supplying and draining facilities for culture farms, and developing cage culture
[2/2 17.43] +62 896-7781-4822: Second :The approval and registration system for culture farms
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: This is to enhance management on culture activities, there is an approval and registration system for culture farms
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: Third: Subsidies for culture farms
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: The government has provided several forms of subsidies for aquaculture to fulfill its designed administrative purposes
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: These purposes mainly center on fostering optimal utilization of land and water resources, reducing environmental effects, enhancing the competiveness of the industry and improving the welfare of fish farmers
[2/2 17.45] +62 896-7781-4822: However, only culture farms which are not BLACK FARMS are entitled to these subsidies
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: Fourth, certification of culture farms
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: Good management of culture farms is the first line of defence against diseases as well as of minimization of adverse environmental impacts caused by the discharge of effluents into adjoining natural water bodies; as a result, the criteria on Good Aquaculture Practice (GAP) were made in 2004
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: Fifth: Inspection of drug residues
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: To secure food safety and alleviate public concerns about drug residues in aquaculture products, the government adopted a management measure in 2006 to conduct a random on-pond inspection of farmed fish prior to being shipped to markets
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: Fifth: Facilitating the transport of live farmed fish
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: In this regard, the government stipulated a regulation in 2007 allowing fishing vessels to transport certain farmed fish species between different fishing harbors of Taiwan and between Taiwan and Hong Kong and China
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: Last, transforming culture farms into tourism attractions
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: In the early 1990s, the government initiated a policy to diversify fisheries into tourism with an aim to reduce dependence of fishers on fishing production, create alternative sources of income for fishers, revive fishing communities and provide more recreational spaces for the public
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: You can check in https://eng.taiwan.net.tw/ for information
[2/2 17.48] +62 896-7781-4822: Maybe in the future you want to visit Taiwan and enjoy the Taiwan's attraction
[2/2 17.49] +62 896-7781-4822: Ok, I finish my speech here
[2/2 17.49] +62 896-7781-4822: Aaaaah. I forgot to stop with the sign
[2/2 17.50] +62 896-7781-4822: Before I stop the speech, I will make the announcement
[2/2 17.50] +62 856-3205-774: No problem,Mr. Ahmad πtake your time
[2/2 17.50] +62 896-7781-4822: For the first and second person who ask in this session, I will save your number and give a little gift from me within Feburary
[2/2 17.51] +62 896-7781-4822: Special gift also for the 2 active student of our Faculty if ask in this session
[2/2 17.52] +62 896-7781-4822: Okeeey finish. Now i try to find the sign
[2/2 17.53] +62 856-3205-774: Wow that's very generous and kind of you, Mr. Ahmad. For those who are active and ask will get a prize π€
[2/2 17.54] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for your presentation Mr. Ahmad this topic is very interesting so that we can learn from Taiwan about how to manage and improve aquaculture.
[2/2 17.55] +62 856-3205-774: Okay...is there somebody who wants to ask or give opinion?
[2/2 18.01] +62 896-7781-4822: Thank you very much for your question
[2/2 18.02] +62 896-7781-4822: Should I answer it directly?
[2/2 18.02] +62 896-7781-4822: Or wait the instruction first π€?
[2/2 18.03] +62 856-3205-774: No Mr. Ahmad you could answer the question now π thank you for asking
[2/2 18.03] +62 896-7781-4822: Aah i see. π
[2/2 17.18] +62 856-3205-774: Here you go guys, thank you Shobrina for your time availability as a translator in this IOS group. I hope everything goes well today. One more time, I say thanks to you, Ms. Shobrina :)
[2/2 17.19] +62 856-3205-774: Well, ladies and gentlemen...let's start the IOS today, welcome Mr. Muhammad Browjioyo Santanurmurti. The floor is yours :)
[2/2 17.19] +62 896-7781-4822: Well. Thankyou very much Mbak Dita and Mbak Shobrina
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: My name is Muhammad Browijoyo Santanumurti
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: You can call me bro or ahmad here, up to you.
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: Currently, I am a junior lecturer in Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: I am a PhD student of King Abdulaziz University. Unfortunately, because of my visa matters, I am still in Indonesia and we can meet in our beloved faculty.
[2/2 17.21] +62 896-7781-4822: So please pray for me for my visa matter and do not be shy to come for me. π
[2/2 17.21] +62 896-7781-4822: I am happy that we can meet even in WA group. Because the lecturer, teacher, student and alumni here are “phenomenal”. The youngest university in Airlangga but awesome human resources.
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: Thank you for the opportunity given by the IOS 2020 committee. Hopefully the given information can be useful for others.
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: Today I want to tell a story when I lived in Taiwan, a country where now one of our friends, Pak Hadi, is also studying there to continue his doctorate.
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: The title of today's story is "How to improve aquaculture in Taiwan".
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: Actually, I will give speech about the history of Taiwan in the field of aquaculture.
[2/2 17.23] +62 896-7781-4822: The rest can be discussed via the group later.
[2/2 17.23] +62 896-7781-4822: You can use “bahasa” or “javanese” if you want π
[2/2 17.24] +62 896-7781-4822: First of all I will introduce a little bit about the Taiwan.
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Taiwan has an area of 36,193 m2, compared to Indonesia with 1,905 million m2.
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Even compared to East Java, East Java is still broad (47,800 m2).
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Small country....
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Taiwan's population is 23.78 million while East Java is 38.85 million.
[2/2 17.26] +62 896-7781-4822: Even though it is less widespread and human resources, Taiwan can achieve successfull in the field of fisheries. In 2015, Taiwan grouper industry was reached 2nd in the world, under China and above Indonesia. In 2014, Taiwan ranked 21st in the World Top Fisheries FAO ranking. This achievement in the field of fisheries, especially those achieved by Taiwan is not easy. Through a long time.
[2/2 17.27] +62 896-7781-4822: The aquaculture period in Taiwan is divided into 4 periods. First period (1960s-1970s), second period (1980s), third period (1990s) and fourth period (2000s).
[2/2 17.28] +62 896-7781-4822: Let's talk about first period. Before the 1980s, aquaculture growth relied on quantity, with few management measures imposed.
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: It was characterized by a humble beginning after World War II and then an expansion in the 1970s. The potential of aquaculture development was big. Advanced culture techniques for fish species such as silvercarp, grass carp,mullet and oyster were established. The use of advanced technologies in larviculture importantly won Taiwan a leading position in the world
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: Next, the second period
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: This period is in the 1980s
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: During this period, the development of Taiwan's aquaculture accelerated, driven by high profitability and prospects of further expansion.
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: With the huge increase in production, part of the production turned to export markets
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: In 1987, just the production of a single species, giant tiger prawn, attained a record high of 78,548 t, ranked as the world's top one, accounting for 44 percent of global production In addition, eel culture developed quickly as well due to its high market price
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: The areas for farming Japanese eel increased from 2395 ha in 1980 to 3966 ha in 1990 and during the same period the production increased from 33,073 t to a historic high of 54,165 t in 1990.
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: Furthermore, Taiwan's aquaculture growth reached its high point of 332,844 t in 1990. The high production of farmed fish provided a significant source of foreign exchange earnings and brought about unprecedented prosperity to local fishing villages
[2/2 17.35] +62 896-7781-4822: The third period is the sad one:
[2/2 17.35] +62 896-7781-4822: This period is in the 1980s
[2/2 17.35] +62 896-7781-4822: I mean 1990s
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: The negative environmental effects caused by inland culture intensified as a result of its rapid expansion
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: Pumping large volumes of underground water led to land subsidence in the west coasts of Taiwan where culture ponds aggregated
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: These areas were vulnerable to floods when torrential rain poured down or typhoons struck
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: Conversion of coastal areas into culture ponds degraded natural habitats
[2/2 17.37] +62 896-7781-4822: Virus outbreaks were particularly acute for shrimp culture, leading to the demise of this industry. It is noted that in the 1990s, viruses, notably the Whitespot Syndrome Virus and Yellowhead Virus, spread to China, Taiwan, Korea, India, the Philippines and even tropical America and caused catastrophic losses in shrimp farms across Asia
[2/2 17.37] +62 896-7781-4822: In this period, Taiwan's aquaculture entered a declining stage, as evidenced by the continuous decrease of production during the 1990s
[2/2 17.37] +62 896-7781-4822: The environmental effects, coupled with weak governance, awoke the government into initiating the urgent restructuring of aquaculture and building a sound management system; management measures started to be adopted and implemented, and continued into the 2000s
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: And the last period, the fourth period is the hope and Taiwan's future
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: This period is from the 2000s to the present day
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: This is a period of steady development as well as enhanced management
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: Numerous measures have been successively put in place, and the production gradually achieves a growth pattern, attaining other highs in 2003 and 2012 at 359,000 t and 347,000 t, respectively, surpassing the high point in 1990 when aquaculture was at in its peak growth
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: Furthermore, other salient outcomes achieved include: improved aquaculture product safety, new development of ornamental fish culture, increasing exports of fish species such as grouper and tilapia
[2/2 17.41] +62 896-7781-4822: So how Taiwan can overcome the huge problem in the third period?
[2/2 17.41] +62 896-7781-4822: The answer is.............
[2/2 17.41] +62 896-7781-4822: “Management Aquaculture"
[2/2 17.42] +62 896-7781-4822: Since the early 1990s when environmental effects became crazy and aquaculture was in a bad condition, the government has been aware of the importance of enhanced governance on aquaculture and started to establish a number of management measures
[2/2 17.42] +62 896-7781-4822: First, restructuring the aquaculture industry
[2/2 17.42] +62 896-7781-4822: During the 1970s and 1980s, a project of restructuring aquaculture was adopted in 1992; the aim was to transform aquaculture into an environmentally and socially responsible food source
[2/2 17.43] +62 896-7781-4822: Specific strategies in this project included: promoting brackish water culture, discouraging freshwater inland culture, cracking down on illegal pumping of groundwater, building water supplying and draining facilities for culture farms, and developing cage culture
[2/2 17.43] +62 896-7781-4822: Second :The approval and registration system for culture farms
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: This is to enhance management on culture activities, there is an approval and registration system for culture farms
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: Third: Subsidies for culture farms
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: The government has provided several forms of subsidies for aquaculture to fulfill its designed administrative purposes
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: These purposes mainly center on fostering optimal utilization of land and water resources, reducing environmental effects, enhancing the competiveness of the industry and improving the welfare of fish farmers
[2/2 17.45] +62 896-7781-4822: However, only culture farms which are not BLACK FARMS are entitled to these subsidies
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: Fourth, certification of culture farms
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: Good management of culture farms is the first line of defence against diseases as well as of minimization of adverse environmental impacts caused by the discharge of effluents into adjoining natural water bodies; as a result, the criteria on Good Aquaculture Practice (GAP) were made in 2004
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: Fifth: Inspection of drug residues
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: To secure food safety and alleviate public concerns about drug residues in aquaculture products, the government adopted a management measure in 2006 to conduct a random on-pond inspection of farmed fish prior to being shipped to markets
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: Fifth: Facilitating the transport of live farmed fish
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: In this regard, the government stipulated a regulation in 2007 allowing fishing vessels to transport certain farmed fish species between different fishing harbors of Taiwan and between Taiwan and Hong Kong and China
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: Last, transforming culture farms into tourism attractions
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: In the early 1990s, the government initiated a policy to diversify fisheries into tourism with an aim to reduce dependence of fishers on fishing production, create alternative sources of income for fishers, revive fishing communities and provide more recreational spaces for the public
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: You can check in https://eng.taiwan.net.tw/ for information
[2/2 17.48] +62 896-7781-4822: Maybe in the future you want to visit Taiwan and enjoy the Taiwan's attraction
[2/2 17.49] +62 896-7781-4822: Ok, I finish my speech here
[2/2 17.49] +62 896-7781-4822: Aaaaah. I forgot to stop with the sign
[2/2 17.50] +62 896-7781-4822: Before I stop the speech, I will make the announcement
[2/2 17.50] +62 856-3205-774: No problem,Mr. Ahmad πtake your time
[2/2 17.50] +62 896-7781-4822: For the first and second person who ask in this session, I will save your number and give a little gift from me within Feburary
[2/2 17.51] +62 896-7781-4822: Special gift also for the 2 active student of our Faculty if ask in this session
[2/2 17.52] +62 896-7781-4822: Okeeey finish. Now i try to find the sign
[2/2 17.53] +62 856-3205-774: Wow that's very generous and kind of you, Mr. Ahmad. For those who are active and ask will get a prize π€
[2/2 17.54] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for your presentation Mr. Ahmad this topic is very interesting so that we can learn from Taiwan about how to manage and improve aquaculture.
[2/2 17.55] +62 856-3205-774: Okay...is there somebody who wants to ask or give opinion?
[2/2 18.01] +62 896-7781-4822: Thank you very much for your question
[2/2 18.02] +62 896-7781-4822: Should I answer it directly?
[2/2 18.02] +62 896-7781-4822: Or wait the instruction first π€?
[2/2 18.03] +62 856-3205-774: No Mr. Ahmad you could answer the question now π thank you for asking
[2/2 18.03] +62 896-7781-4822: Aah i see. π
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