Uswatun Hasanah Fitria

Minggu, 23 Februari 2020

Ios 23 Feb

💢Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen 🤗
Welcome back IOS 2020.
Hope all of you have a good weekend.
Today we have two keynote speakers, Mr. Fariz Kukuh and Mr. Hafizh Muhammad Noor.
Now we start with Mr. Fariz Kukuh first😊🙏🏻. As usual I would introduce myself first.
I am Dita Wisudyawati, a MSc graduate of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands.
Currently I am responsible as the event organizer of IOS 2020 and also host of IOS today.
We also have a translator helping us in translation from English to Indonesian or vice versa, her name is  Ms. Shobrina.
Ms. Shobrina the floor is yours to introduce yourself.
🥇Thank you Ms. Dita, and good day everyone ..☺
This is Shobrina as a translator for this day to help you understand on the upcoming discussion by Mr. Fariz. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
Ms. Dita, the floor is yours again.
💢Thank you Ms. Shobrina for your help, hope everything goes well today.
The order of IOS today consists of
1. Introduction by Mr. Fariz Kukuh
2. Presentation of the topic by Mr. Kukuh
3. Conclusion and closing by Mr. Fariz Kukuh
4. Closing by host
Here we go, let's start IOS today. I would invite Mr. Fariz Kukuh. Mr. Fariz Kukuh the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
💢Hi everyone, I am Fariz Kukuh Harwinda, MSc student studying Aquaculture and Marine Resources Management in Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands. I will take over the discussion for the next 2 or 3 hours. I am going to be presenting *Feasibility Study of Recirculating Aquaculture System in Developing Country*. Hope this will be useful for you 😊. I changed the topic because aquaculture business plan should be really practical and it is just not really convenient to explain in through a group chat. ☠️Food demand and human population has been increasing rapidly, thus food availability must be stabilized to meet the market demand. Fish, as a result of aquaculture, has a very crucial role in providing nutritious protein for human. However, rapid and massive development will also give a negative impact to the environment which then affect the environmental carrying capacity. Carrying capacity itself is one of the most important factors determining the success of food production. Therefore, several innovations have been done such as biotechnology development and system development. *Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)*, as a part of solution that became popular nowadays, are used in home aquaria and for fish production where water exchange is limited and the use of biofiltration is required to reduce ammonia toxicity. Therefore, maximum production and less environmental effect can be obtained using this technology. Reducing water exchange means not only reducing the wastewater, but also reusing the wastewater through a certain process where the water quality could be enhanced for fish needs. The water in the system contains a huge amount of Ammonia where it came from uneaten feed and faecal and non-faecal waste. These components should be removed from the system to maintain the water quality.
💢In the Netherlands, this system is applied *to tackle several urgencies* such as:
• Limited water
• Reducing fee on groundwater use
• Reducing fee for environmental waste tax
• Sustainability issue, assessed by Aquaculture Sustainable Council
• Increasing yield
• Stable production year round. This is how the system looks like:
🥇This system integrates mechanical filtration to remove the solids waste and biofiltration to remove ammonia (TAN) through nitrification and remove Nitrate through denitrification.
The integration of these processes seems to have so many substitutes such as using hydroponic or any other filtration concepts depending on where the farm exist. This system seems to be very promising for increasing fisheries production. However, this system is still questionable within the non-EU country or mostly developing country due its very high investment value (cost) in infrastructure, human resources, and its functionality towards regulation set up by the local government. Past economic studies on RAS have not been widely conducted, nor assessed the risks of RAS arising from uncertainties about different factors, such as future prices, yields, and operating expenses. This lack of information may hamper future adoption of RAS by developing country.
💢*Production evaluation*: Using RAS system, fish could be maintained effectively and has less risk from disease compared to open system. The fish in the tank will always live in a desired environment (water quality) because the wastewater used in the system will be recycled using nitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, and mechanical filter to remove solids waste. Thus, the output will be the water with a good quality that has more carrying capacity than polluted water. This will maximize the survival rate of the fish even when the farmer using a very high density. Moreover, the farmer also can set up a specific production cycle which can stabilize its income through regular harvest and sales in conclusion, this system is very recommended for increasing productivity.
🥇*Economic evaluation*: *(1)* Economically, RAS systems is expensive due its infrastructure requirements. The bigger the desired capacity, the more expensive it would be. The systems require mechanical filters and biofilters which, for instance, take up some spaces that could be used for fish tank. The bigger the value of investment, the longer it gets to reach the Break-Even Point. Therefore, farmers should really consider this expensive investment. *(2)* Besides expensive infrastructure, the systems also require more energy for running the enhancement process such as water pump, water heater, mechanical filters. This whole energy will be converted to expenses which then will be accumulated and increase the total cost needed. *(3)* Investment in human resources, applying this system will also require a farmer who really understand RAS and its biological process happening in the system because everything that will be taken off or put in must be calculated and predicted for its impact to the water quality. Therefore, aquaculture company will also spend their capital for improving or upgrading the farmers. *(4)* In Indonesia, environmental tax, especially for aquaculture, environmental impact has not been well-established. Therefore, installing a RAS system would not be beneficial because farmers must invest in something that will not appear on the tax. This case would be different if the farm take place in the developed country, like the Netherlands.
💢*Sustainability evaluation*: RAS is believed to be very sustainable because its less harmful and less capacity of waste produced. This system is also believed to be very productive and can improve the quality of fish life. As it was explained before, it can reduce wastewater, and use less water because the system is a closed loop water movement where it needs less water exchange and water use. And this will be great move for farmers to provide food for people while gaining more profit at the same time without harming environment. Here is the end of my presentation, thank you very much
Since now is the time to pray we will have a break from 15:22 - 15:45 WIB.
Then, we will continue IOS to the next session.
Thank you 😊🙏🏻. Welcome back everybody 🤗 Is there somebody who wants to ask or give opinion?. I think we have a question from Mr. Panji. Mr. Panji the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
💢💢Thank you everybody, it was an interesting presentations in this sessions
Let me introduce myself. My name is Panji, alumnae of fisheries science in Universitas Airlangga. Friend of him too 😁 My question . .
RAS has so many beneficial impacts in aquaculture. Less water waste and easy to used. But in other hands, by using closed resirculating system, it can probably cause pathogen distribution over farming tanks if one of tanks positively attacked by pathogen. We all know if better to prevent than to cure. In this case, is there any solutions by using RAS?
🥇RAS memiliki banyak manfaat dalam hal penggunaan air yg sedikit dan pengurangan limbah air yg optimal. Namun, apabila sistem ini bersifat tertutup, maka akan ada kemungkinan patogen yg menyerang satu wadah bisa menyerang yg lain. Adakah solusi terkait masalah tsb?
💢First, yes it is very beneficial to productivity and sustainability. However, it is not an easy game to play. RAS has a very complicated system and bio interaction that you should keep in mind. And maintaining those interactions is the key to prevent disease. And also, there has to be a certain training for RAS system because it is very industrial.
And from the interaction itself, you could see that all solid wastes coming from the fish tank should be removed regularly. Otherwise, it can cause a decrease in pH and an increase TAN level. The farmers also have to be really careful about the solid waste accumulated in the sedimentation tank. Second, the water quality in the sump should be maintained (for example temperature), because what you want is the water is also preferred by the nitrifying bacteria. If the temperature is not stable enough then probably the nitrifying bacteria will not work properly and TAN level cannot be reduced. Furthermore, it can lead to a disease.
🥇Untuk penanganan penyakit bisa dilakukan melalui kontrol limbah padat yg harus dilakukan secara berkala.
💢And also, biosecurity of hatchery and grow out farm is also important. Farmers need to really check whether or not the fish contains pathogens. This is another case, as far as I know, there are alot of hatcheries in Indonesia that throw away the shrimp that is not sold in the market because the shrimp is not safe enough for production. And this can also cause a disease outbreak in the environment which then affect another hatcheries.
🥇Selain itu, memastikan benih ikan jg bebas dari penyakit.
💢[23/2 17.23] +62 856-3205-774: Is there any additional statement from you, Mr. Kukuh?
[23/2 17.24] +62 857-4945-4777: Nope, thanks 🙏
🥇Well...thank you very much for the answer Mr. Kukuh. 😊🙏🏻.
How about you Mr. Panji? Does it answer your question?
💢I think enough, the key is in  biosecurity and in its industrial mechanism that should be well trained to the farmers .
Thank you Mr. Fariz for the answers 🙏
🥇Alright, thank you Mr. Panji.
We will go to the next question from Mr. Royan. However since he is not available due to praying time. I would forward his question here. 😊🙏🏻. Very interesting topic, Fariz! We realize that every aquaculture technology always has its own challenges.
But, considering the trade-off between advantages and disadvantages of RAS implementation in developing countries, how feasible do you think is this system to be implemented in Indonesia?
💢It is very feasible for development close to urban area. But for farmers who don't live in the urban area, I would recommend to use pond systems and appreciate the nature as it is supposed to be.
🥇Thank you for your answer Mr. Kukuh. It is a good answer. I hope he will be satisfied with it. 😊🙏🏻.
💢Okay...the next question is coming from Mr. Dzaqi. Mr. Dzaqi the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
💢[23/2 17.41] +62 813-8029-4900: Thank you Miss Dita. Most problems in the field of RAS is that on some certain points, all filters are unable to degrade TAN, therefore increasing the ammonium content in the tank, even overcome by the backwash. How this problem can be solved?
[23/2 17.45] +62 856-4662-9888: Kebanyakan permasalahan di lapangan pada system ras yaitu pada titik tertentu semua filter yang ada pada ras tidak dapat mendegradasikan TAN yang ada. Bahkan cenderung kandungan amonium setelah melewati ras cenderung naik. Meskipun telah dilakukan backwash pada tiap filter. Bagaimana permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi?
🥇Yes, the biofilter itself has so many specifications and it depends on what kind of biofilter do you use in the system. The treat ment should be different.
Sufficient capacity and feed rates are critical information for developing RAS.
To size a biofilter for use in an RAS, the primary concern for the designer is to provide enough biofilter capacity to control the total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN) concentration in the culture tanks to a preset upper limit. Knowing this concentration is very important, as the removal rate of a biofilter is related to the concentration of ammonia-nitrogen available to the bacteria in the filter.
The lower the limit of the TAN concentration selected by the designer, the lower the removal rate will be for a biofilter. The result will be the requirement of a large biofilter for a given application.
Also critical to the process of sizing a biofilter is specifying the maximum feed rate for the system. The ammonia-nitrogen production rate can be estimated based on the rate of feed addition and the protein content of the feed used within the system.
*A good calculation on how big the biofilter is needed*
💢Thank you very much for the answer Mr. Kukuh, is there anymore to add?
How about Mr. Dzaqi? Does it answer your question?[23/2 17.59] +62 856-3205-774: Well...while waiting for Mr. Dzaqi. Is there any other question?
[23/2 18.03] +62 856-3205-774: I think we already spent 2 hours for IOS today. So we could start closing the discussion.
Mr. Kukuh the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻. 💢💢💢💦[23/2 18.04] +62 857-4945-4777: *Conclusion*: The feasibility of RAS must be studied deeply depending on its specific case, area, and regulation. Moreover, it is powerful technology for fish farmers. However, farmers should really calculate its profitability and how much expenses will be required for starting and running the system.
[23/2 18.05] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for your time availability and your interesting topic today, Mr. Fariz Kukuh. Wish you a lot of success for your study in WUR 😊🙏🏻.[23/2 18.17] +62 856-3205-774: So it's my time now to close IOS today.
I personally want to apologize if I made mistakes or incovenience during IOS sessions 🙏🏻.
I also do apologize that I have not informed the most updated topic of Mr. Fariz Kukuh today regarding the changes of the topic from *Aquaculture Business Plan* to *Feasibility Study of Recirculating Aquaculture System in Developing Country* to all of you here.
Very sorry for this mistake and inconvenience 🙏🏻.
See you on the next topic. Have a good Sunday evening 😊🙏🏻.
[23/2 18.22] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you Mr. Fariz Kukuh as the keynote speaker for your time and topic,
Thank you for  the team, Ms. Shobrina as translator and Mr. Iqbal as admin of the group.
Thank you for the questions, Mr. Panji, Mr. Royan, and Mr. Dzaqi.
Thank you everybody here for your time and interest.
[23/2 18.25] +62 856-3205-774: Next on!
[23/2 21.00] +62 856-3205-774: Welcome back the second topic of IOS today *Carrageenan in Food and Medical Applications* by our keynote speaker *Mr. Hafizh Muhammad Noor*🤗.
Hope all of you have a good Sunday evening.
[23/2 21.00] +62 856-3205-774: Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
As usual to introduce, I am Dita Wisudyawati, a MSc graduate of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands.
I am responsible as the event organizer of IOS 2020 and the host of IOS today.
The order of the second topic consists of:
1. Introduction by Mr. Hafizh
2. Presentation of the topic by Mr. Hafizh
3. Conclusion and closing by Mr. Hafizh
4. Closing by the host
We also have a translator helping us in translation from English to Indonesian or vice versa.
The translator is Ms. Shobrina. Ms. Shobrina...the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
[23/2 21.02] +62 856-4662-9888: All right, once again, this is Shobrina, as a translator for today's discussion, so please feel free to ask me whenever you find any troubles understanding the materials given. Thank you.
Now the floor is yours again Ms. Dita
[23/2 21.04] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you for your help Ms. Shobrina, hope everything is fine.
So let's start IOS, I want to invite Mr. Hafizh, Mr. Hafizh the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.

💢Hello everyone, my name’s Hafizh. I work for PT. Kelola Mina Laut as Export Marketing and I got my master degree from Mahidol University, Thailand in Food Science for Nutrition program. Thanks for joining our discussion today. Hopefully we can share and gain more knowledge, especially about carrageenan.
💢I just would like to share some information regarding the topic, I hope all of you can bring more feedback and novel knowledge. Please don’t hesitate to share.. Well, let's start... Carrageenans are gel forming and viscosifying polysaccharides, which are obtained by extraction of certain species of red seaweeds (Rhodophyceae) (Van de Velde and Ruiter, 2005).
💢They are split into six basic forms based on their chemical classification: Kappa (κ)-, Iota (ι)-, Lamda (λ)-, Mu (µ)-, Nu (ν)- and Theta (θ)- (Campo et al., 2009)
🥇Karaginan merupakan polisakarida gel yg diperoleh dari ekstraksi rumput laut merah tertentu (Rhodophyceae) yang terdiri atas 6 jenis bentuk berdasarkan klasifikasi kimianya, yaitu Kappa (κ)-, Iota (ι)-, Lamda (λ)-, Mu (µ)-, Nu (ν)-, dan Theta (θ)-.
💢Carrageenans are formed by alternate units of Ɗ-galactose and 3,6-anhydro- galactose (3,6-AG) joined by α-1,3 and β- 1,4- glycosidic linkage and they have an average relative molecular mass well above 100 kDa (Necas and Bartosikova, 2013). so they are quite big molecules. As food additive, Carrageenans have the EU additive E-number E407 or E407a, which E407a contains amount of cellulose (Necas and Bartosikova, 2013)
🥇Karaginan terbentuk dari perubahan gugus D-galaktosa dan 3,6-anhidro-galaktosa (3,6-AG) yang dihubungkan dengan ikatan α-1,3 dan β- 1,4-glikosida dengan berat mokelul relatif di atas 100 kDa dan terdapat kandungan selulosa.
💢The Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of carrageenan is 0-75 mg/kg bw and the concentration in food products ranges 0.005-2.0% by weight (Tobacman, 2001).
🥇Porsi konsumsi harian karaginan yg disarankan adalah 0-75 mg/kg BK dan konsentrasi pada pangan antara 0.005-2.0%.
💢Furthermore, Carrageenans have been used both in food and non-food products. In terms of food industry, carrageenans are used as gelling, thickening and stabilizing agent because of their excellent physical functional properties. They can be used in yogurt, sauces, jellies, chocolate-milk, frozen desserts, cottage cheese and many other products. Carrageenans have been considered as safe and become a constituent of many food products for many years. It was confirmed in 2001 at the 57th meeting of the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations World Health Organization Expert Committee in Food Additive (JECFA) and only degraded carrageenans were associated to adverse health effects, which should not be consumed (Pangestuti and Kim, 2014).
🥇Karaginan sudah dimanfaatkan pada industri pangan, seperti sebagai agen penebal dan penstabil bahan pangan. Selain itu, karaginan jg ditambahkan pada yoghurt, saus, jelly, susu coklat, makanan dingin, dan pelapis keju.
Hal ini karena karaginan merupakan bahan yg aman dikonsumsi, sedangkan karaginan terdegradasi yg menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan, sehingga tdk boleh dikonsumsi.
💢In the non-food industry, carrageenans have been used for cosmetics, pharmaceutical formulations and experimental medicine. Much research in recent years has focused not only on food applications but also on medical applications. Carrageenan has been used for enhancing agent for controlled drug release and prolonged retention in drug delivery (Li et al., 2014). There are several biological properties of carrageenans such as antiviral activity, anticoagulant activity, antitumor activity, antioxidant activity, anti- inflammation and immunomodulatory activity that might bring more benefits in medical applications.
🥇Dalam bidang medis, beberapa percobaan dilakukan mengenai aktivitas terapis karaginan secara in vivo dan in vitro, bahwa karaginan dapat dijadikan sebagai antiviral, antikoagulan, antitumor, antioksidan, anti-inflamasi, dan imunomodulator.
💢The potential of carrageenans as an antiviral :
Carrageenans as food additive in many products have beneficial effect including antiviral activity. Carrageenans have antiviral activity against human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex and dengue virus (de Tischer et al., 2006)
Kappa-, iota- and lambda- carrageenans have a potent inhibitory effect on replication of hepatitis A virus (HAV) in the human hepatoma cell line PLC/PRF/5, which are no cytotoxic effects with concentration up to 200 µg/ml (Girond et al., 1991)
Carrageenan nasal spray in virus can be an effective treatment of common cold in children and adults (Koenighofer et al., 2014)
🥇Karaginan sebagai antiviral telah terbukti mampu menurunkan aktivitas _human papilloma virus_ (HPV), herpes simplex, dan demam berdarah. Selain itu, beberapa jenis karaginan (kappa, iota, lambda) menghambat replikasi virus hepatitis A secara in vitro, selain sebagai bentuk penanganan efektif pada anak² dan dewasa yg terserang _common cold_
💢The potential of carrageenans as antitumor :
Carrageenans as a food additive have some benefits such as antitumor activity.
Carrageenan has effect to cancer cells that could possibly be developed into a tumor cell-specific anticancer agent (Prasedya et al., 2016)
The anti-tumor activity of the sulfonated oligosaccharide, including carrageenan, is related to its antioxidant activity, immunological regulation and inhibition of tumor metastasis (Haijin et la., 2003)
*Furthermore, there needs further investigation in term of anti-tumor mechanism, relationship between structure and biological activity remain to be elucidated and the exact correlation between molecular weight and antitumor activity.

💧💧Karaginan juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai antitumor, khususnya spesifik anti kanker,  namun aplikasi ini memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Pendugaan ini terjadi, karena karaginan mampu mengaktifkan sel imunokompeten tubuh, yg berhubungan dgn berat molekul dari karaginan.
 💢In conclusion :

1. Carrageenans, the polysaccharides obtained by extraction of certain species of red seaweeds (Rhodophyceae), have been widely used in both food industry and medical applications because of their excellent physical functional properties that are used as gelling, thickening and stabilizing agent.

2. Several studies showed biological properties of carrageenans such as antiviral, anticoagulant, antitumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune- modulatory activity.

3. The advantages of carrageenans as a food additive and pharmaceutical formulation lie on their high availability, low cost, and low induction of resistance.

4. Carrageenans are suitable to be applied in many kinds of food products as gelling and thickening agent with their antioxidant potency as well as medical applications such as pharmaceutical formulations in drug delivery and experimental medicine.

However, more comprehensive studies on toxicity and side effect of carrageenans are necessary. Thank you, this is the end of my part. Please feel free to discuss 😅I also open to discuss about related topics, such as seafood industries right now (because I little bit read more news about that these days-as export marketing, lol).....
🥇Karaginan merupakan bahan kimiawi hasil ekstraksi rumput laut merah yang sering digunakan sebagai penstabil dan pengenyal bahan pangan. Karaginan bermanfaat sebagai antiviral, antitumor, antiinflamasi, dan imunomodulator, serta memiliki jumlah yg besar, murah, dan tdk meningkatkan resistensi penyakit. Namun, studi komprehensif mengenai toksisitas dan efek samping karaginan masih perlu dikaji lebih lanjut.
🥇Thank you for your presentation, Mr. Hafizh 😊🙏🏻. It is an interesting topic. we are in discussion session.
So anybody wants to ask or give opinion?.
💢I completely apologize if my presentation was so boring, too many citations, I think 😆
🥇Somebody wants to ask or give opinion?
💢please don't be hurry, I know that most of us are aquaculturist. but we can discuss global topic, or even the basic such as application in seafood or food products.
🥇Okay I think it makes sense. So I will let all of you to digest the topic for some minutes 😊🙏🏻.
💢Thank you miss Dita, I think some of us are quite tired for Sunday vocation today 😁Furthermore, I will so glad if someone can share what are differences between agar and carrageenan... May be it can open our discussion.
🥇Well...I think I have a question for Mr. Hafizh. May I?
💢yes please...
🥇In perspective of nutrition for animals, is it also possible and feasible to utilize carrageenan as feed additives (also in economical values)?
💢Yes, technically it can be. But it will be so expensive for feed. *recently, we use for food only. The point is, carrageenans have been used to improve the food texture.
🥇Yes, I also think about that.
But maybe by-product of carrageenan extraction process or something related to that or maybe from the very low quality seaweed.
💢and, I think the animals don't think to much about the food texture... so....Oh, that's right Miss Dita
🥇Maybe seaweed could be feed additives but the case is not carrageenan as the main substance. That is what I think about.
💢I just remember that the waste from carrageenans process are low quality seaweed... but usually it threated by alkali, so I don't think that it will be save for animal... without precipitation process. Very goodidea,,I didn't think that way, lol
🥇Because as far as I know one of my colleague did a research about the use of clay and seaweed as additives in feed. That's why I wonder about it. But I should check it further😁. Thank you for your answer, Mr. Hafizh it really gives me a good information😊🙏🏻.
💢most welcome mbk

🥇May I ask another question?
💢yes please
🥇In perspective of medical use, how about the efficacy of carrageenan as antivirus?
💢Still debatable and unclear mechanism. it is difficult to answer about efficacy due to the limited literature, I was trying to search but most of them still didn't judge exactly. in my presentation, it still a potential... really need further studies. may be one of us have the most updated info about this, please share.

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