Uswatun Hasanah Fitria

Rabu, 26 Februari 2020

Diskusi bersama Akbar Tafsili

Diskusi bersama Akbar Tafsili

💢Assalamu’alaikum, selamat malam! terima kasih mas @⁨Diskusi Pustaka Saga⁩ sudah meng-invite saya dan sudah membuka diskusi 😀dan pastinya terima kasih untuk teman-teman yang sudah bergabung di diskusi bedah buku malam ini, karena namanya *diskusi*, so harus aktif bertanya atau share feedback ya nantii 😁
💢Sebagai awalan, saya izin memperkenalkan diri dulu yaa. Perkenalkan saya Akbar Tafsili mengambil S1 di Jurusan Teknologi Bioproses, Departemen Teknik Kimia UI, aktivitas saat ini sedang menjadi Project Facilitator di @rumah_perubahan salah satu perusahaan training & consulting, merintis bisnis sosial saya @kita.juragan dan menjadi BOD komunitas TDA Kampus Nasional (@tdakampusid) komunitas wirausaha terbesar di Indonesia dan persiapan lanjut kuliah lagi (mohon doanya). Lebih lengkapnya saya coba share profile singkat saya yaa

🥇. Atau bila ada yang ingin bersilaturahim via medsos bisa cek:
💢Oke saya akan memulai dari latar belakang saya menulis buku ini yaa

🥇Saya mulai menulis buku ini saat masih berkuliah semester 3 (sekitar tahun 2016) dan baru slsai di semester 5 (kira-kira perlu waktu 1 tahun menulis) karena disambi dengan aktivitas organisai, ikut lomba dan tentunya berkuliah. Ada peristiwa menarik yg melatar belakangi saya menulis buku inii, peristiwa itu saya tulis pula di buku ini, dan karena peristiwa itu saya tergerak untuk menulis dan (alhamdulillah) menyelesaikan buku ini. biar lebih manarik saya share dalam bentuk pict saja yaa. silahkan dibaca dan di'endapkan' duluu 😁

💢untuk teman2 yg tidak bisa buka pict nya saya coba copas kesini saja yaa:
*Dimulai Dari Kisah,...*
Ketika itu saya masbuk sholat Ashar bersama seorang bapak yang berprofesi sebagai driver ojek online, terlihat dari jaket yang dikenakannya.  Kami sholat bersebelahan. Saya menaruh tas tepat di depan posisi saya sholat sementara bapak tersebut menaruh tasnya di pilar dinding masjid yang terletak tidak jauh di belakangnya.
Saya menyadari ada kejanggalan, ada yang kurang pas. Sekitar lima detik saya berpikir apakah saya harus mengingatkannya untuk memindahkan posisi tasnya ke depan agar mudah diawasi ataukah tidak sebelum saya melakukan takbiratul ihram untuk sholat. Ah, saya memilih tidak mengingatkannya, bapak itu sudah dewasa dan harusnya lebih peka. Namun rasanya lebih dikarenakan rasa malu saya untuk berkata kepada bapak tersebut.
Kami pun sholat. Selama sholat perasaan saya sudah tidak enak. Benar saja ketika selesai salam dan berdoa bapak tersebut pun mengecek tasnya. Tasnya sudah hilang berganti dengan sebuah jaket hitam yang digeletakkan tepat diposisi tas bapak tadi, mungkin sebagai tipuan dari si pencuri.
Ekspresi bapak tersebut ketika bertanya kepada saya, “Mas, tadi lihat tas saya nggak?” tak akan pernah saya lupa. Begitu kasian melihatnya.
Pasti di tas itu terdapat dompet, handphone dan barang berharga lainnya untuk menafkahi keluarganya.
Saya merasa bersalah, saya punya beberapa detik untuk mengatakan “Pak, tasnya taruh di depan aja biar gampang diawasi” dan menyelamatkan tas bapak tadi. Namun saya tidak melakukannya, lantaran malu, segan dan enggan berbicara. Singkatnya, karena rasa malu, segan dan enggan berbicara (dalam lingkup berbuat kebaikan) kita dapat membuat orang lain menjadi kesulitan, contohnya dari kisah diatas sang driver menjadi kehilangan tasnya. Bisa membuat celaka atau hal-hal negatif lainnya, maka mulai saat itu saya coba bertekad untuk membuang rasa malu, segan dan enggan dalam diri saya dalam berbuat kebaikan, berani memulai, ambil peran, berinisiatif selama itu hal baik dan saya juga ingin hal ini dilakukan oleh lebih banyak lagi orang maka saya berusaha menulis dan menuntaskan tulisan saya yang berjudul *"Mengambil Peran"*

💢Buku ini berisi 7 bab dengan 162 halaman, cukup ringan untuk dibaca. Singkatnya dari 7 bab tersebut dapat kita ambil 2 poin penting yang dapat menjadi modal kita dalam *Mengambil Peran*:
1. *JUJUR* pada diri sendiri
2. *"BERKOMPETISI"* dengan diri sendiri

Yang paling tahu diri kita (selain Allah swt. Tuhan YME) adalah diri kita sendiri, bukan orangtua kita, bukan sahabat kita bukan dosen /guru kita, bukan mentor kita, dsb. Maka jujur pada diri menjadi penting. Saat kita jujur pada diri maka kita akan lebih mudah me-navigasi diri kita. Kita mau kemana sih sebenarnya? apa yg mau kita tuju? apa kelebihan saya? apa yg perlu di improve dalam diri saya? apa yg kita suka atau kita ingin pelajari lebih dalam dan fokuskan dalam hidup?

🥇Namun, jujur dengan diri itu berat. Kita kadang merasa diri kita baik-baik saja, sudah sempurnaa....padahal tidak. Apa penyebabnya? biasanya karena *luka batin atau masa lalu yg belum selesai*. So, buang luka2 batin atau luka kegagalan masa lalu yg ada pada diri, teman, senior, orang lain atau siapapun yg pernah menyakiti kita, hal-hal buruk tersebut yg dapat menjadi rantai belenggu dalam diri kita

💢rantai yang membelenggu diri, membuat kita enggan mencoba sesuatuu, "ah kayaknya sulit", "pasti ngga akan bisaa", "kemarin aja udh gagal...pasti gagal lagii" dsb

 untuk lebih teknisnya agar kita bisa jujur dalam diri kita bisa coba beberapa hal
1. Coba tulis 10 hal yang
*kita tidak bisa hidup bila tidak ada hal tsb*, lalu sempitkan menjadi 5, setelah itu sempitkan lagi menjadi 3, maka *fokuslah pada 3 hal tersebut*.
*Fokus jaga 3 hal tsb dalam hidup kita untuk meraih cita-cita kita*,
apakah hal itu adalah Agama (Allah Swt. Tuhan YME)?
 keluarga? kesehatan? sahabat? ilmu pengetahuan? dsb jaga hal tsb!

2. Dari 10 mimpi yang kita ingin raih (kecuali mimpi masuk Surga karena itu wajib) tulis 2 mimpi/cita-cita terbesar dalam hidup yg karenanya akan memudahkan kita di akhirat nanti.
*Fokus pada 2 mimpi terbesar itu*.
 Apakah itu menjadi penulis best seller?
 jadi pengusaha?
jadi motivator?
 jadi peneliti? dsb

kita lanjut ke poin 2 yaa tentang

 *"BERKOMPETISI"* dengan diri sendiri

Awalnya saya sangat kompetitif dan "melirik" capaian2 orang lain, berusaha mengejarr tapi lama-lama saya capek sendiri. Mungkin teman2 juga merasakan hal yang sama. So, stop kompetisi dengan orang lain! Karena nanti kamu malah jadi suka membanding2kan dengan orang lain...akhirnya jealousy (kecemburuan) dan ikut2an orang lain

 Lebih asik kalau kita *“berkompetisi dengan diri kita sendiri”*, apakah kita sudah lebih baik dari hari kemarin? Kalau sama saja berarti kita rugi! kalau lebih buruk berarti kita celaka!
Karena musuh terbesar diri kita adalah diri kita sendiri, knp? Syetan menggoda diri kita dari depan, belakang, kanan, kiri, atas dan bawah untuk menjerumuskan kita pada hal2 negatif, seperti menunda2 pekerjaan/deadliners, lupa (sering lupa tanda kita abai terhadap sesuatu, malas2an, buang2 waktu, dll

 Berkompetisi melawan diri kita berarti melakukan "perlawanan" kepada diri, kepada diri kita yang suka malas, yg suka terjebak dengan zona nyaman, yang melakukan kesalahan itu-itu sajaaa
 ada beberapa hal teknis yg bisa kita lakukan untuk *"berkompetisi" dengan diri kita sendiri:*

*1. Buat catatan harian untuk track progress kita*
Apa yang sudah baik dan apa yg perlu di-improve? Kategorikan kita termasuk yg beruntung, merugi atau celaka! Jadi sarana perbaikan dan bersyukur atas hal2 baik yg kita dapat di hari tersebut
*2. Kurangi / batasi bermain medsos*
Meminjam perkataan bang Timmy (CEO Kitabisa) medsos membuat kita bodoh karena hanya scrolling2 (ngga mikir, otak menjadi tumpul) dan konon menurut penelitian memang begitu...(bisa di cek lagi hehe). Bermain medsos untuk hal bermanfaat (contoh share hal bermanfaat)

InsyaAllah dengan 2 modal tersebut:
1. *JUJUR* pada diri sendiri
2. *"BERKOMPETISI"* dengan diri sendiri
Kita dapat menjadi orang-orang yang berani *Mengambil Peran*
[11/2 21.23] +62 878-8432-9104: Terakhir, sebelum ke sesi Q&A saya akan memberikan kisah mengenai Mengambil Peran

 Silahkan dibaca dan di'endapkan' 🙏
 Untuk yg tidak bisa akses pict, saya coba copas yaa:
*Semut Ibrahim*
Masih ingat kisah semut nabi Ibrahim? Hari itu Nabi Ibrahim AS, nabi yang diakui tiga agama samawi yaitu Islam, Kristen dan Yahudi akan dieksekusi oleh Raja Namrud lantaran telah menghancurkan berhala-berhala miliknya.
Saat nabi Ibrahim AS dibakar oleh Raja Namrud diatas kayu bakar, tampak seekor semut yang berusaha memadamkan api dengan mengambil air menggunakan mulutnya dan menyiramkannya ke api yang membakar nabi Ibrahim. Setetes demi setetes, berulang-ulang kali.
Datanglah seekor burung yang nyinyir kepada semut tersebut, “Wahai semut, apa yang sedang kamu lakukan? Sesungguhnya pekerjaanmu hanyalah sia-sia!”
Sang semut menjawab, “Mungkin pekerjaanku tampak sia-sia, namun setidaknya *aku telah mengambil peran* dan *menegaskan dipihak mana aku berada* –yakni membela nabi Ibrahim-. Dengan beginilah aku dapat menjawab saat Allah nanti bertanya, ‘Wahai semut apa yang telah kamu kerjakan saat kekasih Allah –nabi Ibrahim- dibakar?’ ”
 Selesaii, yuk kita perbanyak sesi diskusi Q&A nyaaa 😁✨

Minggu, 23 Februari 2020

Ios 23 Feb

💢Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen 🤗
Welcome back IOS 2020.
Hope all of you have a good weekend.
Today we have two keynote speakers, Mr. Fariz Kukuh and Mr. Hafizh Muhammad Noor.
Now we start with Mr. Fariz Kukuh first😊🙏🏻. As usual I would introduce myself first.
I am Dita Wisudyawati, a MSc graduate of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands.
Currently I am responsible as the event organizer of IOS 2020 and also host of IOS today.
We also have a translator helping us in translation from English to Indonesian or vice versa, her name is  Ms. Shobrina.
Ms. Shobrina the floor is yours to introduce yourself.
🥇Thank you Ms. Dita, and good day everyone ..☺
This is Shobrina as a translator for this day to help you understand on the upcoming discussion by Mr. Fariz. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
Ms. Dita, the floor is yours again.
💢Thank you Ms. Shobrina for your help, hope everything goes well today.
The order of IOS today consists of
1. Introduction by Mr. Fariz Kukuh
2. Presentation of the topic by Mr. Kukuh
3. Conclusion and closing by Mr. Fariz Kukuh
4. Closing by host
Here we go, let's start IOS today. I would invite Mr. Fariz Kukuh. Mr. Fariz Kukuh the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
💢Hi everyone, I am Fariz Kukuh Harwinda, MSc student studying Aquaculture and Marine Resources Management in Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands. I will take over the discussion for the next 2 or 3 hours. I am going to be presenting *Feasibility Study of Recirculating Aquaculture System in Developing Country*. Hope this will be useful for you 😊. I changed the topic because aquaculture business plan should be really practical and it is just not really convenient to explain in through a group chat. ☠️Food demand and human population has been increasing rapidly, thus food availability must be stabilized to meet the market demand. Fish, as a result of aquaculture, has a very crucial role in providing nutritious protein for human. However, rapid and massive development will also give a negative impact to the environment which then affect the environmental carrying capacity. Carrying capacity itself is one of the most important factors determining the success of food production. Therefore, several innovations have been done such as biotechnology development and system development. *Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)*, as a part of solution that became popular nowadays, are used in home aquaria and for fish production where water exchange is limited and the use of biofiltration is required to reduce ammonia toxicity. Therefore, maximum production and less environmental effect can be obtained using this technology. Reducing water exchange means not only reducing the wastewater, but also reusing the wastewater through a certain process where the water quality could be enhanced for fish needs. The water in the system contains a huge amount of Ammonia where it came from uneaten feed and faecal and non-faecal waste. These components should be removed from the system to maintain the water quality.
💢In the Netherlands, this system is applied *to tackle several urgencies* such as:
• Limited water
• Reducing fee on groundwater use
• Reducing fee for environmental waste tax
• Sustainability issue, assessed by Aquaculture Sustainable Council
• Increasing yield
• Stable production year round. This is how the system looks like:
🥇This system integrates mechanical filtration to remove the solids waste and biofiltration to remove ammonia (TAN) through nitrification and remove Nitrate through denitrification.
The integration of these processes seems to have so many substitutes such as using hydroponic or any other filtration concepts depending on where the farm exist. This system seems to be very promising for increasing fisheries production. However, this system is still questionable within the non-EU country or mostly developing country due its very high investment value (cost) in infrastructure, human resources, and its functionality towards regulation set up by the local government. Past economic studies on RAS have not been widely conducted, nor assessed the risks of RAS arising from uncertainties about different factors, such as future prices, yields, and operating expenses. This lack of information may hamper future adoption of RAS by developing country.
💢*Production evaluation*: Using RAS system, fish could be maintained effectively and has less risk from disease compared to open system. The fish in the tank will always live in a desired environment (water quality) because the wastewater used in the system will be recycled using nitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, and mechanical filter to remove solids waste. Thus, the output will be the water with a good quality that has more carrying capacity than polluted water. This will maximize the survival rate of the fish even when the farmer using a very high density. Moreover, the farmer also can set up a specific production cycle which can stabilize its income through regular harvest and sales in conclusion, this system is very recommended for increasing productivity.
🥇*Economic evaluation*: *(1)* Economically, RAS systems is expensive due its infrastructure requirements. The bigger the desired capacity, the more expensive it would be. The systems require mechanical filters and biofilters which, for instance, take up some spaces that could be used for fish tank. The bigger the value of investment, the longer it gets to reach the Break-Even Point. Therefore, farmers should really consider this expensive investment. *(2)* Besides expensive infrastructure, the systems also require more energy for running the enhancement process such as water pump, water heater, mechanical filters. This whole energy will be converted to expenses which then will be accumulated and increase the total cost needed. *(3)* Investment in human resources, applying this system will also require a farmer who really understand RAS and its biological process happening in the system because everything that will be taken off or put in must be calculated and predicted for its impact to the water quality. Therefore, aquaculture company will also spend their capital for improving or upgrading the farmers. *(4)* In Indonesia, environmental tax, especially for aquaculture, environmental impact has not been well-established. Therefore, installing a RAS system would not be beneficial because farmers must invest in something that will not appear on the tax. This case would be different if the farm take place in the developed country, like the Netherlands.
💢*Sustainability evaluation*: RAS is believed to be very sustainable because its less harmful and less capacity of waste produced. This system is also believed to be very productive and can improve the quality of fish life. As it was explained before, it can reduce wastewater, and use less water because the system is a closed loop water movement where it needs less water exchange and water use. And this will be great move for farmers to provide food for people while gaining more profit at the same time without harming environment. Here is the end of my presentation, thank you very much
Since now is the time to pray we will have a break from 15:22 - 15:45 WIB.
Then, we will continue IOS to the next session.
Thank you 😊🙏🏻. Welcome back everybody 🤗 Is there somebody who wants to ask or give opinion?. I think we have a question from Mr. Panji. Mr. Panji the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
💢💢Thank you everybody, it was an interesting presentations in this sessions
Let me introduce myself. My name is Panji, alumnae of fisheries science in Universitas Airlangga. Friend of him too 😁 My question . .
RAS has so many beneficial impacts in aquaculture. Less water waste and easy to used. But in other hands, by using closed resirculating system, it can probably cause pathogen distribution over farming tanks if one of tanks positively attacked by pathogen. We all know if better to prevent than to cure. In this case, is there any solutions by using RAS?
🥇RAS memiliki banyak manfaat dalam hal penggunaan air yg sedikit dan pengurangan limbah air yg optimal. Namun, apabila sistem ini bersifat tertutup, maka akan ada kemungkinan patogen yg menyerang satu wadah bisa menyerang yg lain. Adakah solusi terkait masalah tsb?
💢First, yes it is very beneficial to productivity and sustainability. However, it is not an easy game to play. RAS has a very complicated system and bio interaction that you should keep in mind. And maintaining those interactions is the key to prevent disease. And also, there has to be a certain training for RAS system because it is very industrial.
And from the interaction itself, you could see that all solid wastes coming from the fish tank should be removed regularly. Otherwise, it can cause a decrease in pH and an increase TAN level. The farmers also have to be really careful about the solid waste accumulated in the sedimentation tank. Second, the water quality in the sump should be maintained (for example temperature), because what you want is the water is also preferred by the nitrifying bacteria. If the temperature is not stable enough then probably the nitrifying bacteria will not work properly and TAN level cannot be reduced. Furthermore, it can lead to a disease.
🥇Untuk penanganan penyakit bisa dilakukan melalui kontrol limbah padat yg harus dilakukan secara berkala.
💢And also, biosecurity of hatchery and grow out farm is also important. Farmers need to really check whether or not the fish contains pathogens. This is another case, as far as I know, there are alot of hatcheries in Indonesia that throw away the shrimp that is not sold in the market because the shrimp is not safe enough for production. And this can also cause a disease outbreak in the environment which then affect another hatcheries.
🥇Selain itu, memastikan benih ikan jg bebas dari penyakit.
💢[23/2 17.23] +62 856-3205-774: Is there any additional statement from you, Mr. Kukuh?
[23/2 17.24] +62 857-4945-4777: Nope, thanks 🙏
🥇Well...thank you very much for the answer Mr. Kukuh. 😊🙏🏻.
How about you Mr. Panji? Does it answer your question?
💢I think enough, the key is in  biosecurity and in its industrial mechanism that should be well trained to the farmers .
Thank you Mr. Fariz for the answers 🙏
🥇Alright, thank you Mr. Panji.
We will go to the next question from Mr. Royan. However since he is not available due to praying time. I would forward his question here. 😊🙏🏻. Very interesting topic, Fariz! We realize that every aquaculture technology always has its own challenges.
But, considering the trade-off between advantages and disadvantages of RAS implementation in developing countries, how feasible do you think is this system to be implemented in Indonesia?
💢It is very feasible for development close to urban area. But for farmers who don't live in the urban area, I would recommend to use pond systems and appreciate the nature as it is supposed to be.
🥇Thank you for your answer Mr. Kukuh. It is a good answer. I hope he will be satisfied with it. 😊🙏🏻.
💢Okay...the next question is coming from Mr. Dzaqi. Mr. Dzaqi the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
💢[23/2 17.41] +62 813-8029-4900: Thank you Miss Dita. Most problems in the field of RAS is that on some certain points, all filters are unable to degrade TAN, therefore increasing the ammonium content in the tank, even overcome by the backwash. How this problem can be solved?
[23/2 17.45] +62 856-4662-9888: Kebanyakan permasalahan di lapangan pada system ras yaitu pada titik tertentu semua filter yang ada pada ras tidak dapat mendegradasikan TAN yang ada. Bahkan cenderung kandungan amonium setelah melewati ras cenderung naik. Meskipun telah dilakukan backwash pada tiap filter. Bagaimana permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi?
🥇Yes, the biofilter itself has so many specifications and it depends on what kind of biofilter do you use in the system. The treat ment should be different.
Sufficient capacity and feed rates are critical information for developing RAS.
To size a biofilter for use in an RAS, the primary concern for the designer is to provide enough biofilter capacity to control the total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN) concentration in the culture tanks to a preset upper limit. Knowing this concentration is very important, as the removal rate of a biofilter is related to the concentration of ammonia-nitrogen available to the bacteria in the filter.
The lower the limit of the TAN concentration selected by the designer, the lower the removal rate will be for a biofilter. The result will be the requirement of a large biofilter for a given application.
Also critical to the process of sizing a biofilter is specifying the maximum feed rate for the system. The ammonia-nitrogen production rate can be estimated based on the rate of feed addition and the protein content of the feed used within the system.
*A good calculation on how big the biofilter is needed*
💢Thank you very much for the answer Mr. Kukuh, is there anymore to add?
How about Mr. Dzaqi? Does it answer your question?[23/2 17.59] +62 856-3205-774: Well...while waiting for Mr. Dzaqi. Is there any other question?
[23/2 18.03] +62 856-3205-774: I think we already spent 2 hours for IOS today. So we could start closing the discussion.
Mr. Kukuh the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻. 💢💢💢💦[23/2 18.04] +62 857-4945-4777: *Conclusion*: The feasibility of RAS must be studied deeply depending on its specific case, area, and regulation. Moreover, it is powerful technology for fish farmers. However, farmers should really calculate its profitability and how much expenses will be required for starting and running the system.
[23/2 18.05] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for your time availability and your interesting topic today, Mr. Fariz Kukuh. Wish you a lot of success for your study in WUR 😊🙏🏻.[23/2 18.17] +62 856-3205-774: So it's my time now to close IOS today.
I personally want to apologize if I made mistakes or incovenience during IOS sessions 🙏🏻.
I also do apologize that I have not informed the most updated topic of Mr. Fariz Kukuh today regarding the changes of the topic from *Aquaculture Business Plan* to *Feasibility Study of Recirculating Aquaculture System in Developing Country* to all of you here.
Very sorry for this mistake and inconvenience 🙏🏻.
See you on the next topic. Have a good Sunday evening 😊🙏🏻.
[23/2 18.22] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you Mr. Fariz Kukuh as the keynote speaker for your time and topic,
Thank you for  the team, Ms. Shobrina as translator and Mr. Iqbal as admin of the group.
Thank you for the questions, Mr. Panji, Mr. Royan, and Mr. Dzaqi.
Thank you everybody here for your time and interest.
[23/2 18.25] +62 856-3205-774: Next on!
[23/2 21.00] +62 856-3205-774: Welcome back the second topic of IOS today *Carrageenan in Food and Medical Applications* by our keynote speaker *Mr. Hafizh Muhammad Noor*🤗.
Hope all of you have a good Sunday evening.
[23/2 21.00] +62 856-3205-774: Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
As usual to introduce, I am Dita Wisudyawati, a MSc graduate of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands.
I am responsible as the event organizer of IOS 2020 and the host of IOS today.
The order of the second topic consists of:
1. Introduction by Mr. Hafizh
2. Presentation of the topic by Mr. Hafizh
3. Conclusion and closing by Mr. Hafizh
4. Closing by the host
We also have a translator helping us in translation from English to Indonesian or vice versa.
The translator is Ms. Shobrina. Ms. Shobrina...the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
[23/2 21.02] +62 856-4662-9888: All right, once again, this is Shobrina, as a translator for today's discussion, so please feel free to ask me whenever you find any troubles understanding the materials given. Thank you.
Now the floor is yours again Ms. Dita
[23/2 21.04] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you for your help Ms. Shobrina, hope everything is fine.
So let's start IOS, I want to invite Mr. Hafizh, Mr. Hafizh the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.

💢Hello everyone, my name’s Hafizh. I work for PT. Kelola Mina Laut as Export Marketing and I got my master degree from Mahidol University, Thailand in Food Science for Nutrition program. Thanks for joining our discussion today. Hopefully we can share and gain more knowledge, especially about carrageenan.
💢I just would like to share some information regarding the topic, I hope all of you can bring more feedback and novel knowledge. Please don’t hesitate to share.. Well, let's start... Carrageenans are gel forming and viscosifying polysaccharides, which are obtained by extraction of certain species of red seaweeds (Rhodophyceae) (Van de Velde and Ruiter, 2005).
💢They are split into six basic forms based on their chemical classification: Kappa (κ)-, Iota (ι)-, Lamda (λ)-, Mu (µ)-, Nu (ν)- and Theta (θ)- (Campo et al., 2009)
🥇Karaginan merupakan polisakarida gel yg diperoleh dari ekstraksi rumput laut merah tertentu (Rhodophyceae) yang terdiri atas 6 jenis bentuk berdasarkan klasifikasi kimianya, yaitu Kappa (κ)-, Iota (ι)-, Lamda (λ)-, Mu (µ)-, Nu (ν)-, dan Theta (θ)-.
💢Carrageenans are formed by alternate units of Ɗ-galactose and 3,6-anhydro- galactose (3,6-AG) joined by α-1,3 and β- 1,4- glycosidic linkage and they have an average relative molecular mass well above 100 kDa (Necas and Bartosikova, 2013). so they are quite big molecules. As food additive, Carrageenans have the EU additive E-number E407 or E407a, which E407a contains amount of cellulose (Necas and Bartosikova, 2013)
🥇Karaginan terbentuk dari perubahan gugus D-galaktosa dan 3,6-anhidro-galaktosa (3,6-AG) yang dihubungkan dengan ikatan α-1,3 dan β- 1,4-glikosida dengan berat mokelul relatif di atas 100 kDa dan terdapat kandungan selulosa.
💢The Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of carrageenan is 0-75 mg/kg bw and the concentration in food products ranges 0.005-2.0% by weight (Tobacman, 2001).
🥇Porsi konsumsi harian karaginan yg disarankan adalah 0-75 mg/kg BK dan konsentrasi pada pangan antara 0.005-2.0%.
💢Furthermore, Carrageenans have been used both in food and non-food products. In terms of food industry, carrageenans are used as gelling, thickening and stabilizing agent because of their excellent physical functional properties. They can be used in yogurt, sauces, jellies, chocolate-milk, frozen desserts, cottage cheese and many other products. Carrageenans have been considered as safe and become a constituent of many food products for many years. It was confirmed in 2001 at the 57th meeting of the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations World Health Organization Expert Committee in Food Additive (JECFA) and only degraded carrageenans were associated to adverse health effects, which should not be consumed (Pangestuti and Kim, 2014).
🥇Karaginan sudah dimanfaatkan pada industri pangan, seperti sebagai agen penebal dan penstabil bahan pangan. Selain itu, karaginan jg ditambahkan pada yoghurt, saus, jelly, susu coklat, makanan dingin, dan pelapis keju.
Hal ini karena karaginan merupakan bahan yg aman dikonsumsi, sedangkan karaginan terdegradasi yg menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan, sehingga tdk boleh dikonsumsi.
💢In the non-food industry, carrageenans have been used for cosmetics, pharmaceutical formulations and experimental medicine. Much research in recent years has focused not only on food applications but also on medical applications. Carrageenan has been used for enhancing agent for controlled drug release and prolonged retention in drug delivery (Li et al., 2014). There are several biological properties of carrageenans such as antiviral activity, anticoagulant activity, antitumor activity, antioxidant activity, anti- inflammation and immunomodulatory activity that might bring more benefits in medical applications.
🥇Dalam bidang medis, beberapa percobaan dilakukan mengenai aktivitas terapis karaginan secara in vivo dan in vitro, bahwa karaginan dapat dijadikan sebagai antiviral, antikoagulan, antitumor, antioksidan, anti-inflamasi, dan imunomodulator.
💢The potential of carrageenans as an antiviral :
Carrageenans as food additive in many products have beneficial effect including antiviral activity. Carrageenans have antiviral activity against human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex and dengue virus (de Tischer et al., 2006)
Kappa-, iota- and lambda- carrageenans have a potent inhibitory effect on replication of hepatitis A virus (HAV) in the human hepatoma cell line PLC/PRF/5, which are no cytotoxic effects with concentration up to 200 µg/ml (Girond et al., 1991)
Carrageenan nasal spray in virus can be an effective treatment of common cold in children and adults (Koenighofer et al., 2014)
🥇Karaginan sebagai antiviral telah terbukti mampu menurunkan aktivitas _human papilloma virus_ (HPV), herpes simplex, dan demam berdarah. Selain itu, beberapa jenis karaginan (kappa, iota, lambda) menghambat replikasi virus hepatitis A secara in vitro, selain sebagai bentuk penanganan efektif pada anak² dan dewasa yg terserang _common cold_
💢The potential of carrageenans as antitumor :
Carrageenans as a food additive have some benefits such as antitumor activity.
Carrageenan has effect to cancer cells that could possibly be developed into a tumor cell-specific anticancer agent (Prasedya et al., 2016)
The anti-tumor activity of the sulfonated oligosaccharide, including carrageenan, is related to its antioxidant activity, immunological regulation and inhibition of tumor metastasis (Haijin et la., 2003)
*Furthermore, there needs further investigation in term of anti-tumor mechanism, relationship between structure and biological activity remain to be elucidated and the exact correlation between molecular weight and antitumor activity.

💧💧Karaginan juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai antitumor, khususnya spesifik anti kanker,  namun aplikasi ini memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Pendugaan ini terjadi, karena karaginan mampu mengaktifkan sel imunokompeten tubuh, yg berhubungan dgn berat molekul dari karaginan.
 💢In conclusion :

1. Carrageenans, the polysaccharides obtained by extraction of certain species of red seaweeds (Rhodophyceae), have been widely used in both food industry and medical applications because of their excellent physical functional properties that are used as gelling, thickening and stabilizing agent.

2. Several studies showed biological properties of carrageenans such as antiviral, anticoagulant, antitumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune- modulatory activity.

3. The advantages of carrageenans as a food additive and pharmaceutical formulation lie on their high availability, low cost, and low induction of resistance.

4. Carrageenans are suitable to be applied in many kinds of food products as gelling and thickening agent with their antioxidant potency as well as medical applications such as pharmaceutical formulations in drug delivery and experimental medicine.

However, more comprehensive studies on toxicity and side effect of carrageenans are necessary. Thank you, this is the end of my part. Please feel free to discuss 😅I also open to discuss about related topics, such as seafood industries right now (because I little bit read more news about that these days-as export marketing, lol).....
🥇Karaginan merupakan bahan kimiawi hasil ekstraksi rumput laut merah yang sering digunakan sebagai penstabil dan pengenyal bahan pangan. Karaginan bermanfaat sebagai antiviral, antitumor, antiinflamasi, dan imunomodulator, serta memiliki jumlah yg besar, murah, dan tdk meningkatkan resistensi penyakit. Namun, studi komprehensif mengenai toksisitas dan efek samping karaginan masih perlu dikaji lebih lanjut.
🥇Thank you for your presentation, Mr. Hafizh 😊🙏🏻. It is an interesting topic. we are in discussion session.
So anybody wants to ask or give opinion?.
💢I completely apologize if my presentation was so boring, too many citations, I think 😆
🥇Somebody wants to ask or give opinion?
💢please don't be hurry, I know that most of us are aquaculturist. but we can discuss global topic, or even the basic such as application in seafood or food products.
🥇Okay I think it makes sense. So I will let all of you to digest the topic for some minutes 😊🙏🏻.
💢Thank you miss Dita, I think some of us are quite tired for Sunday vocation today 😁Furthermore, I will so glad if someone can share what are differences between agar and carrageenan... May be it can open our discussion.
🥇Well...I think I have a question for Mr. Hafizh. May I?
💢yes please...
🥇In perspective of nutrition for animals, is it also possible and feasible to utilize carrageenan as feed additives (also in economical values)?
💢Yes, technically it can be. But it will be so expensive for feed. *recently, we use for food only. The point is, carrageenans have been used to improve the food texture.
🥇Yes, I also think about that.
But maybe by-product of carrageenan extraction process or something related to that or maybe from the very low quality seaweed.
💢and, I think the animals don't think to much about the food texture... so....Oh, that's right Miss Dita
🥇Maybe seaweed could be feed additives but the case is not carrageenan as the main substance. That is what I think about.
💢I just remember that the waste from carrageenans process are low quality seaweed... but usually it threated by alkali, so I don't think that it will be save for animal... without precipitation process. Very goodidea,,I didn't think that way, lol
🥇Because as far as I know one of my colleague did a research about the use of clay and seaweed as additives in feed. That's why I wonder about it. But I should check it further😁. Thank you for your answer, Mr. Hafizh it really gives me a good information😊🙏🏻.
💢most welcome mbk

🥇May I ask another question?
💢yes please
🥇In perspective of medical use, how about the efficacy of carrageenan as antivirus?
💢Still debatable and unclear mechanism. it is difficult to answer about efficacy due to the limited literature, I was trying to search but most of them still didn't judge exactly. in my presentation, it still a potential... really need further studies. may be one of us have the most updated info about this, please share.

Selasa, 18 Februari 2020

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2020

Sensus penduduk komodo

[31/1 10.34] +62 812-1005-0081: 100 hari pertama setelah dilantik sebagai Wakil Bupati Manggarai Barat (mari berimajinasi), kita akan melakukan Sensus Pariwisata di segenap wilayah Manggarai Barat, sensus tersebut khususnya akan difokuskan di Kota Labuan Bajo, Kecamatan Komodo dan sekitarnya yang menjadi pusat geliat industri pariwisata.
[2/2 11.28] +62 812-1005-0081:


Program 100 Hari Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Berbasis Industri Pariwisata Di Manggarai Barat (Bagian 2)

Desa dan Kelurahan di Manggarai Barat berjumlah sekitar 169. Sementara jumlah kecamatan adalah 12 dengan lanskap alam yang begitu lengkap berupa, pantai, kepulauan, lautan, pebukitan, pegunungan, sungai dan danau serta kekayaan alam lain dengan alamnya yang subur. Sejauh ini daerah yang dikenal oleh wisatawan kebanyakan hanya Labuan Bajo yang masuk dalam wilayah Kecamatan Komodo.

Ini adalah peta wilayah dan modal yang sangat ideal demi mendukung geliat industri pariwisata di Manggarai Barat yang telah ditetapkan sebagai destinasi pariwisata super prioritas dan super premium oleh pemerintah pusat.

Melahirkan 100 entrepreneur pada setiap Desa adalah bagian penting dalam agenda besar “Membangun Manggarai Barat Dari Desa”. Hal ini sangat mungkin dilakukan dan kita mesti optimis bisa melahirkan sosok-sosok pengusaha desa sebagai penopang dan penyuplai setidaknya kebutuhan pangan bagi industri pariwisata Manggarai Barat sebagai destinasi pariwisata super prioritas dan super premium itu.

Mari kita merebut pasar yang ada, kita lahirkan pengusaha desa pada bidangnya masing-masing, pengusaha di bidang pertanian, bidang peternakan, bidang perkebunan, bidang kelautan dan perikanan serta bidang industri kerajinan agar produk-produknya dapat menyuplai kebutuhan industri pariwisata super premium dan super prioritas itu.

Cukup sudah kita hanya menjadi penonton di negeri kita sendiri, jadilah pelaku, pemain, aktor yang terlibat di dalamnya, sebab Manggarai Barat adalah rumah kita, kitalah pemiliknya dan sepatutnya turut menikmati hasilnya demi mencapai kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran.

Mari manfaatkan waktu, peluang dan kesempatan yang ada. Saat ini adalah era dimana setiap orang bisa mengakses berbagai informasi dan pengetahuan tanpa batas untuk belajar, mempelajari banyak hal, semua kembali kepada kita sebagai pemilik kekayaan itu, bulatkan niat dan tekad untuk melangkah maju dan terus belajar agar dapat mengelola segala kekayaan dan sumber daya alam dan manusia yang kita miliki.

Tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, para pengusaha atau investor, birokrat yang berpengalaman yang mungkin selama ini hanya datang dan berkecimpung sebatas di kota Labuan Bajo sudah saatnya kita ajak turun dan masuk ke kampung-kampung dan pedesaan. Kita hadirkan mereka untuk berbagi ilmu dan pengalaman pada setiap Balai Latihan Kerja yang akan kita persiapkan di setiap desa untuk memberdayakan masyarakat di pedesaan demi menyongsong dan mengambil bagian dalam  industri pariwisata yang dilabel sebagai destinasi super prioritas dan super premium itu.

Jangan mau dimarginalkan, kita wajib menolak jika kita hendak dipinggirkan. Kita semestinya sadar bahwa daerah dan kekayaan daerah kita saat ini terutama dengan Komodo yang merupakan binatang purba terbesar dan satu-satunya tersisa di dunia saat ini telah menjadi magnet bagi dunia sebagai destinasi wisata.  Hal itulah yang kemudian membuat label super prioritas dan super premium itu memang layak disematkan. Tapi tentunya, kita tak ingin hal itu semata sebagai label, tapi nyata menghadirkan dan menciptakan kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan bagi segenap rakyat Manggarai Barat hingga ke pelosok pedesaan.

Bahkan, di era media yang menggeliat saat ini lebih lagi ditopang oleh keberadaan Menteri Komunikasi Dan Informatika asal Manggarai, sudah saatnya kita berdayakan masyarakat di pedesaan terutama anak-anak muda, hingga menjadi sangat mudah mengakses informasi dan mempelajari semua hal. Pemerintah Pusat, Daerah dan Desa bisa berkolaborasi dalam melatih agar keterampilan anak-anak muda bisa melahirkan banyak karya dan menjadi lebih produktif.

Anak-anak muda Manggarai Barat terutama di pedesaan begitu banyak, mereka adalah potensi, modal bagi masa depan dan kejayaan Manggarai Barat. Jika mental berwirausahanya ditanam dan dipupuk sejak dini maka akan terjadi gelombang besar perubahan bagi terciptanya industri pariwisata berbasis Desa ke depan sebagai penopang dan bagian integral dari pasar industri pariwisata, destinasi wisata yang kini dilabeli super premium dan super prioritas itu. Akan banyak peristiwa besar diselenggarakan di Manggarai Barat beberapa waktu ke depan, misalnya Asean Summit dan G20, sudah siapkah kita?

Ya, melahirkan entrepreneur itu sangat mungkin dan kita mesti optimis bisa. 100 entrepreneur untuk setiap Desa pasti bisa kita wujudkan. Semua elemen mesti bersatu padu dan solid untuk wujudkan impian itu. Kuncinya adalah kepemimpinan yang kuat dan kesadaran kalangan para anak muda untuk maju dan memajukan daerahnya sendiri.

Kita sebagai tuan rumah, memiliki posisi tawar. Daerah kita kaya dan mahal, cantik mempesona, punya magnet dan daya tarik karenanya dilabeli super prioritas dan premium. Manggarai Barat tak hanya Labuan Bajo. Jangan mau dikangkangi, 1 Desa 100 Entrepreneur, optimis kita bisa!

Salam Politik Cinta!

IOS 26 Jan 20

[2/2 13.37] Diskusi Pustaka Saga: 

Welcome in our IOS 2020's Group. thanks for joining us. Staytune on the schedule, please. 😊🙏.  We would like to inform that @⁨Ahmad⁩ will give presentation on 4 pm (GMT +7).

[2/2 17.05] +62 856-3205-774:
 I am Dita Wisudyawati, a MSc graduates of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands. In this respect, I am the event organizer of IOS 2020 and I am also responsible as the host of the topic today. We also have a translator that may help us in translation if necessary. The translator is Ms.Shobrina the floor is yours...

[2/2 17.12] +62 856-3205-774: 
So by the time waiting Ms.Shobrina, I would like to welcome you all today in this IOS group. Hope all of you have a good weekend. Today we have Mr. Muhammad Browijoyo Santanumurti as the keynote speaker with the topic of *How to improve aquaculture in Taiwan*. The topic today consists introduction, presentation of the topic, discussion, closing by Mr. Muhammad Browijoyo, and closing by me. So stay tune in this group and prepare yourself, enjoy :)

[2/2 17.16] +62 856-4662-9888:
 Hello everyone, I am Shobrina, a master student of IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia. During this discussion, I will be the translator to help you understand every part of the discussion you join. Thank you. So, please Ms. Dita the floor is yours again .

[2/2 17.18] +62 856-3205-774: Here you go guys, thank you Shobrina for your time availability as a translator in this IOS group. I hope everything goes well today. One more time, I say thanks to you, Ms. Shobrina :)
[2/2 17.19] +62 856-3205-774: Well, ladies and gentlemen...let's start the IOS today, welcome Mr. Muhammad Browjioyo Santanurmurti. The floor is yours :)
[2/2 17.19] +62 896-7781-4822: Well. Thankyou very much Mbak Dita and Mbak Shobrina
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: My name is Muhammad Browijoyo Santanumurti
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: You can call me bro or ahmad here, up to you.
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: Currently, I am a junior lecturer in Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
[2/2 17.20] +62 896-7781-4822: I am a PhD student of King Abdulaziz University. Unfortunately, because of my visa matters, I am still in Indonesia and we can meet in our beloved faculty.
[2/2 17.21] +62 896-7781-4822: So please pray for me for my visa matter and do not be shy to come for me. 😊
[2/2 17.21] +62 896-7781-4822: I am happy that we can meet even in WA group. Because the lecturer, teacher, student and alumni here are “phenomenal”. The youngest university in Airlangga but awesome human resources.
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: Thank you for the opportunity given by the IOS 2020 committee. Hopefully the given information can be useful for others.
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: Today I want to tell a story when I lived in Taiwan, a country where now one of our friends, Pak Hadi, is also studying there to continue his doctorate.
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: The title of today's story is "How to improve aquaculture in Taiwan".
[2/2 17.22] +62 896-7781-4822: Actually, I will give speech about the history of Taiwan in the field of aquaculture.
[2/2 17.23] +62 896-7781-4822: The rest can be discussed via the group later.
[2/2 17.23] +62 896-7781-4822: You can use “bahasa” or “javanese” if you want 😊
[2/2 17.24] +62 896-7781-4822: First of all I will introduce a little bit about the Taiwan.
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Taiwan has an area of 36,193 m2, compared to Indonesia with 1,905 million m2.
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Even compared to East Java, East Java is still broad (47,800 m2).
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Small country....
[2/2 17.25] +62 896-7781-4822: Taiwan's population is 23.78 million while East Java is 38.85 million.
[2/2 17.26] +62 896-7781-4822: Even though it is less widespread and human resources, Taiwan can achieve successfull in the field of fisheries. In 2015, Taiwan grouper industry was reached 2nd in the world, under China and above Indonesia. In 2014, Taiwan ranked 21st in the World Top Fisheries FAO ranking. This achievement in the field of fisheries, especially those achieved by Taiwan is not easy. Through a long time.
[2/2 17.27] +62 896-7781-4822: The aquaculture period in Taiwan is divided into 4 periods. First period (1960s-1970s), second period (1980s), third period (1990s) and fourth period (2000s).
[2/2 17.28] +62 896-7781-4822: Let's talk about first period. Before the 1980s, aquaculture growth relied on quantity, with few management measures imposed.
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: It was characterized by a humble beginning after World War II and then an expansion in the 1970s. The potential of aquaculture development was big. Advanced culture techniques for fish species such as silvercarp, grass carp,mullet and oyster were established. The use of advanced technologies in larviculture importantly won Taiwan a leading position in the world
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: Next, the second period
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: This period is in the 1980s
[2/2 17.31] +62 896-7781-4822: During this period, the development of Taiwan's aquaculture accelerated, driven by high profitability and prospects of further expansion.
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: With the huge increase in production, part of the production turned to export markets
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: In 1987, just the production of a single species, giant tiger prawn, attained a record high of 78,548 t, ranked as the world's top one, accounting for 44 percent of global production In addition, eel culture developed quickly as well due to its high market price
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: The areas for farming Japanese eel increased from 2395 ha in 1980 to 3966 ha in 1990 and during the same period the production increased from 33,073 t to a historic high of 54,165 t in 1990.
[2/2 17.32] +62 896-7781-4822: Furthermore, Taiwan's aquaculture growth reached its high point of 332,844 t in 1990. The high production of farmed fish provided a significant source of foreign exchange earnings and brought about unprecedented prosperity to local fishing villages
[2/2 17.35] +62 896-7781-4822: The third period is the sad one:
[2/2 17.35] +62 896-7781-4822: This period is in the 1980s
[2/2 17.35] +62 896-7781-4822: I mean 1990s
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: The negative environmental effects caused by inland culture intensified as a result of its rapid expansion
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: Pumping large volumes of underground water led to land subsidence in the west coasts of Taiwan where culture ponds aggregated
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: These areas were vulnerable to floods when torrential rain poured down or typhoons struck
[2/2 17.36] +62 896-7781-4822: Conversion of coastal areas into culture ponds degraded natural habitats
[2/2 17.37] +62 896-7781-4822: Virus outbreaks were particularly acute for shrimp culture, leading to the demise of this industry. It is noted that in the 1990s, viruses, notably the Whitespot Syndrome Virus and Yellowhead Virus, spread to China, Taiwan, Korea, India, the Philippines and even tropical America and caused catastrophic losses in shrimp farms across Asia
[2/2 17.37] +62 896-7781-4822: In this period, Taiwan's aquaculture entered a declining stage, as evidenced by the continuous decrease of production during the 1990s
[2/2 17.37] +62 896-7781-4822: The environmental effects, coupled with weak governance, awoke the government into initiating the urgent restructuring of aquaculture and building a sound management system; management measures started to be adopted and implemented, and continued into the 2000s
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: And the last period, the fourth period is the hope and Taiwan's future
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: This period is from the 2000s to the present day
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: This is a period of steady development as well as enhanced management
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: Numerous measures have been successively put in place, and the production gradually achieves a growth pattern, attaining other highs in 2003 and 2012 at 359,000 t and 347,000 t, respectively, surpassing the high point in 1990 when aquaculture was at in its peak growth
[2/2 17.39] +62 896-7781-4822: Furthermore, other salient outcomes achieved include: improved aquaculture product safety, new development of ornamental fish culture, increasing exports of fish species such as grouper and tilapia
[2/2 17.41] +62 896-7781-4822: So how Taiwan can overcome the huge problem in the third period?
[2/2 17.41] +62 896-7781-4822: The answer is.............
[2/2 17.41] +62 896-7781-4822: “Management Aquaculture"
[2/2 17.42] +62 896-7781-4822: Since the early 1990s when environmental effects became crazy and aquaculture was in a bad condition, the government has been aware of the importance of enhanced governance on aquaculture and started to establish a number of management measures
[2/2 17.42] +62 896-7781-4822: First, restructuring the aquaculture industry
[2/2 17.42] +62 896-7781-4822: During the 1970s and 1980s, a project of restructuring aquaculture was adopted in 1992; the aim was to transform aquaculture into an environmentally and socially responsible food source
[2/2 17.43] +62 896-7781-4822: Specific strategies in this project included: promoting brackish water culture, discouraging freshwater inland culture, cracking down on illegal pumping of groundwater, building water supplying and draining facilities for culture farms, and developing cage culture
[2/2 17.43] +62 896-7781-4822: Second :The approval and registration system for culture farms
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: This is to enhance management on culture activities, there is an approval and registration system for culture farms
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: Third: Subsidies for culture farms
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: The government has provided several forms of subsidies for aquaculture to fulfill its designed administrative purposes
[2/2 17.44] +62 896-7781-4822: These purposes mainly center on fostering optimal utilization of land and water resources, reducing environmental effects, enhancing the competiveness of the industry and improving the welfare of fish farmers
[2/2 17.45] +62 896-7781-4822: However, only culture farms which are not BLACK FARMS are entitled to these subsidies
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: Fourth, certification of culture farms
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: Good management of culture farms is the first line of defence against diseases as well as of minimization of adverse environmental impacts caused by the discharge of effluents into adjoining natural water bodies; as a result, the criteria on Good Aquaculture Practice (GAP) were made in 2004
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: Fifth: Inspection of drug residues
[2/2 17.46] +62 896-7781-4822: To secure food safety and alleviate public concerns about drug residues in aquaculture products, the government adopted a management measure in 2006 to conduct a random on-pond inspection of farmed fish prior to being shipped to markets
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: Fifth: Facilitating the transport of live farmed fish
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: In this regard, the government stipulated a regulation in 2007 allowing fishing vessels to transport certain farmed fish species between different fishing harbors of Taiwan and between Taiwan and Hong Kong and China
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: Last, transforming culture farms into tourism attractions
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: In the early 1990s, the government initiated a policy to diversify fisheries into tourism with an aim to reduce dependence of fishers on fishing production, create alternative sources of income for fishers, revive fishing communities and provide more recreational spaces for the public
[2/2 17.47] +62 896-7781-4822: You can check in for information
[2/2 17.48] +62 896-7781-4822: Maybe in the future you want to visit Taiwan and enjoy the Taiwan's attraction
[2/2 17.49] +62 896-7781-4822: Ok, I finish my speech here
[2/2 17.49] +62 896-7781-4822: Aaaaah. I forgot to stop with the sign
[2/2 17.50] +62 896-7781-4822: Before I stop the speech, I will make the announcement
[2/2 17.50] +62 856-3205-774: No problem,Mr. Ahmad 😃take your time
[2/2 17.50] +62 896-7781-4822: For the first and second person who ask in this session, I will save your number and give a little gift from me within Feburary
[2/2 17.51] +62 896-7781-4822: Special gift also for the 2 active student of our Faculty if ask in this session
[2/2 17.52] +62 896-7781-4822: Okeeey finish. Now i try to find the sign
[2/2 17.53] +62 856-3205-774: Wow that's very generous and kind of you, Mr. Ahmad. For those who are active and ask will get a prize 🤗
[2/2 17.54] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for your presentation Mr. Ahmad this topic is very interesting so that we can learn from Taiwan about how to manage and improve aquaculture.
[2/2 17.55] +62 856-3205-774: there somebody who wants to ask or give opinion?
[2/2 18.01] +62 896-7781-4822: Thank you very much for your question
[2/2 18.02] +62 896-7781-4822: Should I answer it directly?
[2/2 18.02] +62 896-7781-4822: Or wait the instruction first 🤔?
[2/2 18.03] +62 856-3205-774: No Mr. Ahmad you could answer the question now 😊 thank you for asking
[2/2 18.03] +62 896-7781-4822: Aah i see. 😊

IOS 4 feb 20

[4/2 10.43] Diskusi Pustaka Saga: Welcome in our IOS 2020's Group. thanks for joining us. Staytune on the schedule, please. 😊🙏.  We would like to inform that @⁨M. R. Royan⁩ will give presentation on 11 AM (GMT +7).
[4/2 12.00] +62 856-3205-774: Good morning ladies and gentlemen🤗.
I hope you are still energetic at this time to follow IOS today although maybe it's almost lunch time😅. In addition, I do appreciate the keynote speaker Mr. Muhammad Royan for the time availability since it's still very early morning there🙏🏻.
[4/2 12.03] +62 856-3205-774: Well, as usual I would introduce myself.
I am Dita Wisudyawati, a MSc graduates of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands.
In this case, I am responsible as the event organizer of IOS 2020 and  host of the topic today.
We also have a translator who helps us in translation if it's necessary. The translator is Ms.Shobrina. Ms.Shobrina the floor is yours.
[4/2 12.10] +62 856-4662-9888: Good Morning everyone, this is Shobrina Silmi, a master student of IPB University, I am here to help you understand our today's discussion by translating every keynote speaker's outline later and your questions as well, thank you. I return this floor to the host.
[4/2 12.15] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for your time availability and contribution as translator Ms. Shobrina, hope everything is fine today.
Alright...the order of the topic today is introduction by Mr. Muhammad Rahmad Royan, presentation of the topic, discussion, closing including conclusion by Mr. Muhammad Rahmad Royan, and closing by me.
The topic today *The Importance of Basic Science and Research in Aquaculture*.
Mr. Muhammad Rahmad Royan...the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻
[4/2 12.16] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Thank you Dita and Shobrina.
[4/2 12.16] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Hi everyone, how’s life? I hope you all are doing well. I am Royan, B.Sc in Aquaculture FPK UA 2010; M.Sc in Aquaculture Biology, Institutt for Biovitenskap, UiB, Norway 2017. Currently I am a PhD research fellow in Reproductive Neuroendocrinology, Institutt for Basalfag og Akvamedisin, NMBU, Norway.
[4/2 12.18] +47 925 65 897: You see that I am using this 🔴 emoji, so that you will easily distinguish which one is my post, and other will not mess everything up when we start the discussion.
[4/2 12.19] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Before we start, I’d like to thank the moderator for leading the discussion, and the translator that help the audience understand the content of the discussion. Also, thanks to IKA FPK UA that holds this event. You guys did a great job! And I definitely hope this event will open new insights for the participants.
[4/2 12.20] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Today we are going to discuss about the importance of basic research and science, and how this scope benefits the aquaculture world.
[4/2 12.21] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 So, firstly I will provide you a kind of brainstorming for the topic, and then we can discuss anything related -or perhaps also unrelated, if any- to the topic.
[4/2 12.21] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 And, as a disclaimer, I’d like to say that my brainstorming may look like a binary comparison to some extent, and some of you may feel offended with it. So I apologize for it if you feel so.
[4/2 12.23] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 I want to start the discussion by asking a question. How many of us write bachelor, master or doctoral thesis in basic science? This is kind of rhetorical question, but for those of you who are majoring in aquaculture, I bet there are only a couple to none.
[4/2 12.24] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Even overall, in a wide range of discipline, basic research in life science is not really taken into account, and have become sort of a “forgetful scope” in our country.
[4/2 12.25] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 I guess all of you realize that all top universities all over Indonesia are currently pursuing a title as a World Class University.
[4/2 12.26] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Every way is taken to achieve this. I mean, “every way”. Not to mention about a recent job vacancy that requires the worker to produce 3 – 4 scientific papers in the first quartile journals (please note that I am not saying top tier journals) within a year on his/her own. Yes, it is twelve crazy months!
[4/2 12.27] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Provided you ask European researchers about this, I certainly believe they will laugh at you and say: “only a Witch-like person that is capable of doing that!”. Indeed, you need to “simsalabim” in order for you to achieve that on your own. Perhaps, there might be only two possibilities, either you won’t be able to accomplish the target or you need to fabricate them!
[4/2 12.28] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 But, why is it as though making so little progress, despite having been pushed again and again for the past five years?
[4/2 12.29] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 It’s nothing but the universities almost entirely target for a mere quantity in the sphere of unseen journals. Not quality. I am not saying that they are not attempting to go for quality, but the reality is still far from it.
[4/2 12.30] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Do you know what makes a quality scientific paper? It’s the depth of the study. What is it? It’s more into basic sciences.
[4/2 12.31] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 In a sense, while you only reach the surface when dealing with applied science, the basic science provides you the basis of it, the mechanism that makes the implementation towards applied sciences become more advance.
[4/2 12.32] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 I am going to tell you the secret: the top-tier journals almost entirely go for it! That’s their food. They want something authentic, something new and something that becomes the root of a phenomenon. Once you can touch this sphere, you are the man!
[4/2 12.34] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 *To summarize*, the universities need to conduct basic research, at least sometimes, although it seems quite irrelevant to aquaculture which is basically an applied science. Basic science is mostly the place for top-tier journals, such as Nature, Science, Cell, etc.

At least, go for journals that are in the top-list of the related discipline. In my case as an endocrinologist, I will go for Endocrinology, Journal of Endocrinology, General and Comparative Endocrinology, etc.

And, as a note, basic science is not one button process. It’s not one night process either. It needs a long and consistent process that makes it worth for good publications.
[4/2 12.37] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 I stop here as an introduction of what I am going to discuss thereafter. So, *how on Earth is that related to the aquaculture world, particularly in our country?* I will tell you that in fact they are quite closely related to each other.
[4/2 12.38] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Aquaculture is even worse in this case, I would say. In our side, not only do the industries take basic research and science for granted, but the worst thing is that they also do a mere copy of well-established method or technique. The method/technique that has been proven to be effective.
[4/2 12.39] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 They probably do not understand that often times an aquaculture issue is different between one and another country.
[4/2 12.39] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 If you have ever heard of off-shore aquaculture that was going to be implemented in our country, that was a solid example of it. I am going to tell you about this later on. Stay tuned.
[4/2 12.40] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 So far, the trend is that the aquaculture industry in our country solely adapts the technique and method that has been successfully implemented abroad. Disease treatment, feeding regime, and environmental manipulation are among the examples.
[4/2 12.41] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 They do the “applied research” in the field, but often times only trial and error. Not to mention basic research. As far as I am concerned, they never touched it. While others spend lots of lots of funding for research and development, we are still stuck with trial and error.
[4/2 12.42] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 We do some research though in our Aquaculture Research Institutes, but the last time I observed, they were also applied research. So, do not be surprise if our aquaculture industry does not really improve significantly.
[4/2 12.43] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 But why does this happen?
[4/2 12.44] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 It’s simply because we have no money for it, to be honest.
[4/2 12.44] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Why do we need to do something that does not give direct impact to the society? While others have already done with their primary problems, here we should deal first with our “food stock in the kitchen”, then we can move on to something “tertiary” as that basic science stuff. We need something to give impact right here right now!
[4/2 12.46] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 The authority seems not to take those into account as well probably because they are not an instant solution towards millions of problems we encounter. “Why should we bother with basic research?”, “Come on, we need something more applicable straightly to the society!”, “What benefits do we get from this research in real life, anyway?”. Those questions perhaps pop up often times, even in our head.
[4/2 12.47] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Have you ever got a question which is more or less the same as above when you defend your thesis?
[4/2 12.48] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 If your answer is yes, I guess our development towards research especially that is related to aquaculture will take quite a while.
[4/2 12.48] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 In my opinion, academia should never bother about the instant implementation of research because research often times provides only a piece of mosaics for a phenomenon or a problem. And that insight will improve with time.
[4/2 12.49] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Basic research in life science is sometimes done by doctor candidates at the university. However, most of the time they are ended up in the library racks and remain untouched. Too bad.
[4/2 12.51] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 We tend to rule out something that is actually unique in our side, and instead use the basis that is unique in others’ side. It’s no doubt if we have not improved significantly in aquaculture since no serious research is conducted to go deep into basic science. Even for just applied research, we still rely on trial and error, or at least copying what have been proven to be effective in aquaculture worldwide.
[4/2 12.52] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 I bet you all know about coronavirus outbreak in China and its spread to other countries.
[4/2 12.52] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 An Australian Institute has recently succeeded in growing the virus in their lab. This is a great milestone for the world to characterize the virus, how the virus behaves and how the virus grows.
[4/2 12.53] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Without this breakthrough, it seems impossible to develop a vaccine towards this virus. Basic science (virus characterization) provides a fundamental information to applied science (vaccine development).
[4/2 12.55] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Meanwhile, Norwegian aquaculture industry is one of Norway’s GDP sources. One of the top sources I would say. Since 60’s, not only have they been focusing on applied research, but in tact this applied research moves because of previous basic research that has been done by them. As a consequence, you know that Norway is the leading country of salmon producer in the world!
[4/2 12.55] +47 925 65 897: *in fact
[4/2 12.56] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 There is a tight relationship between research institutes, universities and industries, so that this harmony benefits every player: this is called as a mutualism relationship.
[4/2 12.56] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Research institutes and universities got the publication credit while the industry got a solution towards its problems in the field. The link between research institutes and university is very normal in countries having good quality aquaculture. They are orchestrated to yield better outcomes.
[4/2 12.57] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Meanwhile in our side, there is a distrust between research institutes, universities, and aquaculture industries.
[4/2 12.58] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Not only is this due to limited capacity to make good sciences, but most importantly it is also because of this “crazy twelve months” that makes things unreliable look possible.
[4/2 12.58] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Indeed, why should industries trust their money to research institutes or universities with such a research atmosphere? It is the same as wasting money for nothing.
[4/2 12.59] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 It seems we prefer to perform separately, not in harmony. Maybe because we would like to “play” a little bit with the budgetary. I have no clue. What we observe now, often times, universities are busy with conducting research without knowing for what it is going to be implemented. Whereas, aquaculture industries are busy with trial and error, hoping that one day it will give benefits and improve their production.
[4/2 13.00] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 Two or three years ago, *have you ever heard about a news concerning the onset of off-shore aquaculture in our country?*
[4/2 13.01] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 We would like to adapt Norwegian aquaculture technology, with hope to enhance our aquaculture production. It was very booming at that time.
[4/2 13.02] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 And now? Have you ever heard of its progress? It is just like totally disappear.
[4/2 13.02] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 I tried to trace this issue by opening a discussion with stakeholders that are in charge in the project. And do you know what can I conclude?
[4/2 13.03] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 I came up with a conclusion that the super big project failed because of the *failure with conducting basic research* prior to going into applied research and implement it. Those trillions of rupiahs were wasted for just learning that basic research is an important aspect to do.
[4/2 13.06] +47 925 65 897: 🔴 *In summary*, universities or research institutes need to focus on not only applied research, but also basic research that goes into the fundamental aspect of aquaculture issues that we encounter in the field.

Meanwhile, aquaculture industries should also rely on research from universities or research institutes. However, universities and research institutes in this case need to be realistic enough in conducting research, thus creating trust between each part. In science and research, integrity should come first.

I bet we can still catch up with the others that are now quite advance compared to ours.
[4/2 13.10] +47 925 65 897: That's all from my side. 🙏
Thank you.
We can discuss everything related to the topic or unrelated to the topic. As long as they are still in my sphere, I will try to give my best answer. 😊

IOS 5 feb 20

[5/2 15.52] Diskusi Pustaka Saga: Welcome in our IOS 2020's Group. thanks for joining us. Staytune on the schedule, please. 😊🙏.  We would like to inform that Mr. @⁨Roald⁩  will give presentation on 07.00 PM (GMT +7).
[5/2 20.00] +62 856-3205-774: Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome back in IOS 2020 🤗.

Today we have *Mr. Roald Leeuwerik* as the keynote speaker with the topic of *Seabed Mining and its Societal Acceptance (a Case Study in )*.

First, I would introduce myself. I am Dita Wisudyawati, a MSc graduates of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands.

In this case, I am responsible as the event organizer of IOS and the host of IOS group today.

We also have a translator to help us in translation if it's necessary. Her name is Ms. Shobrina. Ms. Shobrina the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
[5/2 20.14] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for time and help Ms. Shobrina. Hope everything goes well today.
Here we go, ladies and we have the order of IOS as following :

1. Introduction by Mr. Roald

2. Presentation of the topic by Mr. Roald

3. Discussion

4. Closing including conclusion statement by Mr. Roald

5. Closing by me as the host.

So let's start IOS today. Mr. Roald, the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻
[5/2 20.15] +31 6 42051229: I am Roald Leeuwerik and have studied Aquaculture and Marine resource management at Wageningen University. Today I will present about seabed mining and its societal acceptance using the concept of the ‘Social License to Operate’ (SLO). Firstly, I will tell you something about seabed mining and introduce the SLO. Lastly, I will present some main results from my MSc thesis on this topic.
[5/2 20.15] +31 6 42051229: What is seabed mining and why is it being looked at?
[5/2 20.16] +31 6 42051229: Seabed mining is promising in different ways. First of all, many reserves on land are dwindling and this may be compensated by exploitation offshore. In addition, various valuable metals (e.g. copper, cobalt, rare earth metals) have been found in high concentrations, also in very deep waters. You may have heard from Nautilus Minerals and the ‘Solwara site’, situated in Papua New Guinea territorial waters. Many of the resources are needed for future development, for instance for the production of solar panels.
[5/2 20.17] +31 6 42051229: Apart from the potential that seabed mining offers, various actors (e.g. NGO’s, scientists) also see various risks. One can think of the removal of benthic organisms through drilling, habitat destruction and the generation of sediment plumes. Sediment plumes can be transported over large distances through currents and thereby smother benthic organisms or make waters turbid and reduce photosynthesis rates for instance.
[5/2 20.18] +31 6 42051229: These economic interests but also the potential impacts make seabed mining a socially and politically sensitive topic. It is also not yet taking place at a large scale but is still mostly limited to exploratory missions.
[5/2 20.18] +31 6 42051229: Some exceptions of countries that have seabed mining operations taking place are Indonesia (tin mining in Bangka Belitung) and Namibia (marine diamond mining). Concerning Namibia, what is interesting is that a newly proposed project on marine phosphate mining is facing serious societal opposition. Meanwhile, marine diamond mining is already taking place at large commercial scale since 1994 and is (still) largely undebated.
[5/2 20.19] +31 6 42051229: Against this background, I decided to use the “Social License to Operate” (SLO) as theoretical concept to better understand the societal debate on the development of the seabed mining industry, focussing in particular on the Namibian cases.
[5/2 20.21] +31 6 42051229: So why is there a SLO and what is it about?
[5/2 20.22] +31 6 42051229: Firstly, the SLO has emerged from a demand of societal stakeholders to be more strongly engaged in decision-making procedures. Recent decades have seen the traditional role of governments as unique decision-making authority being weakened. Increasingly, stakeholder expect and actively demand to be involved in decision-making.
[5/2 20.23] +31 6 42051229: Secondly, the SLO is the result of an overall trend of reduced trust in governmental authorities. Governments have not always been able to deliver on their promises, or made economic interests prevail over societal interests. Because the SLO is concerned with the on-going acceptance or approval of a project by societal stakeholders, governments now face more intense scrutiny of their decisions.
[5/2 20.25] +31 6 42051229: How is the SLO achieved?
[5/2 20.25] +31 6 42051229: Very broadly speaking, what is very important for the SLO are the concepts of trust and legitimacy.
[5/2 20.26] +31 6 42051229: Concerning trust, what this means in practice is that (mining) project proponents will need to engage intensively with societal stakeholders. They will need to engage them in their project plans, but also really listen to them and consider their input in both the preparation and the operational phase of the project.
[5/2 20.28] +31 6 42051229: Concerning legitimacy, different types can be identified. In its core, however, it is concerned with how the actions of a project proponent are perceived to be beneficial for societal stakeholders and how they align with their cultural perspectives and norms (the ‘rightness’).
[5/2 20.33] +31 6 42051229: At a very basic level for the SLO, it is about the economic benefits brought to societal stakeholders in terms of employment and financial benefits (e.g. royalties, tax contributions). This is referred to as ‘economic output legitimacy’ and may lead to a level of acceptance. This is the most common level of the SLO. However, at this level the need for intensive stakeholder engagement is not high, meaning trust relationships are generally absent or weak. You can imagine that this can be a fragile balance and as soon as benefits decrease, or when people discover about negative impacts for instance, the SLO may be lost.
[5/2 20.37] +31 6 42051229: Without going very deep into detail on the higher levels, there are the levels of 'approval' and 'psychological identification'. As a general principle, reaching these levels requires more intensive and continuous stakeholder engagement and investing in projects that benefit the community at large (e.g. healthcare, education, …).
[5/2 20.40] +31 6 42051229: With this background in mind, it seems the SLO is the key for project proponents to start making their (mining) projects reality. However, the SLO is not an ‘official license’ as we know it…
[5/2 20.42] +31 6 42051229: Generally, project proponents will still need to do Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) to obtain an environmental permit. And next to that, they often also have to apply for a separate mining permit. These licenses are known as Legal Licenses to Operate (LLO).
[5/2 20.47] +31 6 42051229: Next to the LLO, there is also the Political License to Operate (PLO). This refers to the political ‘climate’ so to speak and whether the right conditions are offered to move a project ahead. For instance, when a political coalition opposes the use of fossil fuels, projects in this sector may face more difficulties to move forward.
[5/2 20.50] +31 6 42051229: Different authors suggest some sort of interaction between the different licenses. For example, effective and clear legislation on environmental protection and requirements on EIA processes (e.g. on stakeholder engagement) are part of the LLO. When legal obligations are well defined and complied with, they can contribute to achieving the SLO as well.
[5/2 20.51] +31 6 42051229: So what can my thesis research contribute to further research on the SLO?
[5/2 20.52] +31 6 42051229: The main contribution I aimed for is to provide an integrated theoretical framework, including the SLO, LLO and PLO. This framework can be used for case analyses, like I did in Namibia.
[5/2 20.53] +31 6 42051229: For the SLO, the framework includes the fundamental factors of trust and legitimacy which are set out in indicators.
[5/2 20.54] +31 6 42051229: The LLO and PLO are part of the broader ‘context’ in which decision-making takes place.
[5/2 20.54] +31 6 42051229: Lastly, the framework includes ‘status’. This pyramid-shaped figure includes the different levels of the SLO that can be reached by a project proponent.
[5/2 20.57] +31 6 42051229: Now some lessons from Namibia:
[5/2 21.00] +31 6 42051229: I found that an important reason for the difference in societal acceptance between marine diamond mining and marine phosphate mining was the environmental legislation in place (LLO). To be more precise, the legislation in place when the initial environmental permit was granted. For marine diamond mining this was back in 1994 and there was hardly any legislation in place back at the time. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) were done voluntarily, stakeholder engagement was not required and societal awareness was also pretty low.
[5/2 21.03] +31 6 42051229: In 2012, this situation changed. New legislation was implemented, containing detailed rules on EIA’s and stakeholder engagement. It was at this moment as well that a new project was proposed (marine phosphate mining). Coupled to increased societal awareness, stakeholders were now better able to challenge the decision on granting an environmental permit. After all, they could now refer to official regulations on paper. In particular, the project proponent, ‘Namibian Marine Phosphate’, was criticised on the lack of stakeholder engagement and the quality of data used in the EIA.
[5/2 21.06] +31 6 42051229: You may see this has its repercussions on the fundamental factors of trust and legitimacy, thereby affecting the SLO and the level reached.
[5/2 21.08] +31 6 42051229: Next to these difficulties, also the PLO offered some important insights. Most importantly, I found that the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) were not on the same line.
[5/2 21.09] +31 6 42051229: While the MET has the responsibility to grant environmental permits for all projects (both onshore and offshore), the MFMR challenges this. In fact, the MFMR claims the MET lacks expertise on the marine environment and favours economic interests over environmental protection. The MFMR felt unheard and demands a stronger role in decision-making.
[5/2 21.11] +31 6 42051229: And apart from this disagreement and distrust at governmental level, what I found is that the MFMR joined the fisheries industry and several NGO’s in challenging the marine phosphate mining project. This is an important reason why the project has still not been able to secure an environmental permit (LLO), lacks political support (PLO) and has not convinced societal stakeholders as well (SLO).
[5/2 21.16] +31 6 42051229: But what then about marine diamond mining? Well, apart from the fact an environmental permit (LLO) is already in place, there are some additional points to consider:
[5/2 21.17] +31 6 42051229: Firstly, the Namibian government is a partner of De Beers, the diamond mining company. It has a 50% share and thus an interest in project continuation. Clearly, a PLO is in place here and the governments benefits from it.
[5/2 21.18] +31 6 42051229: Moreover, the company is an important employer for Namibians, a major tax payer and is investing in different societal projects. Generally speaking, (marine) diamond mining is seen as an economic lifeline for Namibia, with a proven track record.
[5/2 21.20] +31 6 42051229: You may recognize there the needed requirements to achieve 'economic output legitimacy', which results in the SLO level of acceptance.
[5/2 21.23] +31 6 42051229: And apart from having achieved acceptance, marine diamond mining already exists for a long time. At a small-scale already since the 1950's. This long history, added to its large economic importance, have resulted in 'cognitive legitimacy'. People do not see how Namibia would develop without this sector. And cognitive legitimacy can result in the SLO level of 'approval', which is one level higher again than acceptance.
[5/2 21.26] +31 6 42051229: Does this make them immune for public scrutiny? It is hard to look into the future. However, it seems that the societal discussion on the future for marine phosphate mining does indeed make societal stakeholders more critical on marine diamond mining as well.
[5/2 21.28] +31 6 42051229: Recently, the lack of transparency on environmental monitoring, as well as the lack of stakeholder engagement in EIA revisions have been criticized. Moreover, the range of societal benefits, compared to the potential risks of marine diamond mining, are more critically looked at now than before.
[5/2 21.29] +31 6 42051229: Consequently, it is not impossible that the status quo for marine diamond mining will change in the future. Although it is unlikely the SLO will be lost altogether, societal stakeholders may force the mining company to be more transparent and/or to invest more in the Namibian society.
[5/2 21.32] +31 6 42051229: This is it from my side. I would like to know if there are questions? After that I will still provide a short closure :)
[5/2 21.34] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for your presentation including the explanation in details of the seabed mining and societal acceptance and case in Namibia.
Now is the time for discussion.
Anybody wants to ask or give opinion?

IOS 5 feb 20

[5/2 15.52] Diskusi Pustaka Saga: Welcome in our IOS 2020's Group. thanks for joining us. Staytune on the schedule, please. 😊🙏.  We would like to inform that Mr. @⁨Roald⁩  will give presentation on 07.00 PM (GMT +7).
[5/2 20.00] +62 856-3205-774: Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome back in IOS 2020 🤗.

Today we have *Mr. Roald Leeuwerik* as the keynote speaker with the topic of *Seabed Mining and its Societal Acceptance (a Case Study in )*.

First, I would introduce myself. I am Dita Wisudyawati, a MSc graduates of Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands.

In this case, I am responsible as the event organizer of IOS and the host of IOS group today.

We also have a translator to help us in translation if it's necessary. Her name is Ms. Shobrina. Ms. Shobrina the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻.
[5/2 20.14] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for time and help Ms. Shobrina. Hope everything goes well today.
Here we go, ladies and we have the order of IOS as following :

1. Introduction by Mr. Roald

2. Presentation of the topic by Mr. Roald

3. Discussion

4. Closing including conclusion statement by Mr. Roald

5. Closing by me as the host.

So let's start IOS today. Mr. Roald, the floor is yours 😊🙏🏻
[5/2 20.15] +31 6 42051229: I am Roald Leeuwerik and have studied Aquaculture and Marine resource management at Wageningen University. Today I will present about seabed mining and its societal acceptance using the concept of the ‘Social License to Operate’ (SLO). Firstly, I will tell you something about seabed mining and introduce the SLO. Lastly, I will present some main results from my MSc thesis on this topic.
[5/2 20.15] +31 6 42051229: What is seabed mining and why is it being looked at?
[5/2 20.16] +31 6 42051229: Seabed mining is promising in different ways. First of all, many reserves on land are dwindling and this may be compensated by exploitation offshore. In addition, various valuable metals (e.g. copper, cobalt, rare earth metals) have been found in high concentrations, also in very deep waters. You may have heard from Nautilus Minerals and the ‘Solwara site’, situated in Papua New Guinea territorial waters. Many of the resources are needed for future development, for instance for the production of solar panels.
[5/2 20.17] +31 6 42051229: Apart from the potential that seabed mining offers, various actors (e.g. NGO’s, scientists) also see various risks. One can think of the removal of benthic organisms through drilling, habitat destruction and the generation of sediment plumes. Sediment plumes can be transported over large distances through currents and thereby smother benthic organisms or make waters turbid and reduce photosynthesis rates for instance.
[5/2 20.18] +31 6 42051229: These economic interests but also the potential impacts make seabed mining a socially and politically sensitive topic. It is also not yet taking place at a large scale but is still mostly limited to exploratory missions.
[5/2 20.18] +31 6 42051229: Some exceptions of countries that have seabed mining operations taking place are Indonesia (tin mining in Bangka Belitung) and Namibia (marine diamond mining). Concerning Namibia, what is interesting is that a newly proposed project on marine phosphate mining is facing serious societal opposition. Meanwhile, marine diamond mining is already taking place at large commercial scale since 1994 and is (still) largely undebated.
[5/2 20.19] +31 6 42051229: Against this background, I decided to use the “Social License to Operate” (SLO) as theoretical concept to better understand the societal debate on the development of the seabed mining industry, focussing in particular on the Namibian cases.
[5/2 20.21] +31 6 42051229: So why is there a SLO and what is it about?
[5/2 20.22] +31 6 42051229: Firstly, the SLO has emerged from a demand of societal stakeholders to be more strongly engaged in decision-making procedures. Recent decades have seen the traditional role of governments as unique decision-making authority being weakened. Increasingly, stakeholder expect and actively demand to be involved in decision-making.
[5/2 20.23] +31 6 42051229: Secondly, the SLO is the result of an overall trend of reduced trust in governmental authorities. Governments have not always been able to deliver on their promises, or made economic interests prevail over societal interests. Because the SLO is concerned with the on-going acceptance or approval of a project by societal stakeholders, governments now face more intense scrutiny of their decisions.
[5/2 20.25] +31 6 42051229: How is the SLO achieved?
[5/2 20.25] +31 6 42051229: Very broadly speaking, what is very important for the SLO are the concepts of trust and legitimacy.
[5/2 20.26] +31 6 42051229: Concerning trust, what this means in practice is that (mining) project proponents will need to engage intensively with societal stakeholders. They will need to engage them in their project plans, but also really listen to them and consider their input in both the preparation and the operational phase of the project.
[5/2 20.28] +31 6 42051229: Concerning legitimacy, different types can be identified. In its core, however, it is concerned with how the actions of a project proponent are perceived to be beneficial for societal stakeholders and how they align with their cultural perspectives and norms (the ‘rightness’).
[5/2 20.33] +31 6 42051229: At a very basic level for the SLO, it is about the economic benefits brought to societal stakeholders in terms of employment and financial benefits (e.g. royalties, tax contributions). This is referred to as ‘economic output legitimacy’ and may lead to a level of acceptance. This is the most common level of the SLO. However, at this level the need for intensive stakeholder engagement is not high, meaning trust relationships are generally absent or weak. You can imagine that this can be a fragile balance and as soon as benefits decrease, or when people discover about negative impacts for instance, the SLO may be lost.
[5/2 20.37] +31 6 42051229: Without going very deep into detail on the higher levels, there are the levels of 'approval' and 'psychological identification'. As a general principle, reaching these levels requires more intensive and continuous stakeholder engagement and investing in projects that benefit the community at large (e.g. healthcare, education, …).
[5/2 20.40] +31 6 42051229: With this background in mind, it seems the SLO is the key for project proponents to start making their (mining) projects reality. However, the SLO is not an ‘official license’ as we know it…
[5/2 20.42] +31 6 42051229: Generally, project proponents will still need to do Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) to obtain an environmental permit. And next to that, they often also have to apply for a separate mining permit. These licenses are known as Legal Licenses to Operate (LLO).
[5/2 20.47] +31 6 42051229: Next to the LLO, there is also the Political License to Operate (PLO). This refers to the political ‘climate’ so to speak and whether the right conditions are offered to move a project ahead. For instance, when a political coalition opposes the use of fossil fuels, projects in this sector may face more difficulties to move forward.
[5/2 20.50] +31 6 42051229: Different authors suggest some sort of interaction between the different licenses. For example, effective and clear legislation on environmental protection and requirements on EIA processes (e.g. on stakeholder engagement) are part of the LLO. When legal obligations are well defined and complied with, they can contribute to achieving the SLO as well.
[5/2 20.51] +31 6 42051229: So what can my thesis research contribute to further research on the SLO?
[5/2 20.52] +31 6 42051229: The main contribution I aimed for is to provide an integrated theoretical framework, including the SLO, LLO and PLO. This framework can be used for case analyses, like I did in Namibia.
[5/2 20.53] +31 6 42051229: For the SLO, the framework includes the fundamental factors of trust and legitimacy which are set out in indicators.
[5/2 20.54] +31 6 42051229: The LLO and PLO are part of the broader ‘context’ in which decision-making takes place.
[5/2 20.54] +31 6 42051229: Lastly, the framework includes ‘status’. This pyramid-shaped figure includes the different levels of the SLO that can be reached by a project proponent.
[5/2 20.57] +31 6 42051229: Now some lessons from Namibia:
[5/2 21.00] +31 6 42051229: I found that an important reason for the difference in societal acceptance between marine diamond mining and marine phosphate mining was the environmental legislation in place (LLO). To be more precise, the legislation in place when the initial environmental permit was granted. For marine diamond mining this was back in 1994 and there was hardly any legislation in place back at the time. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) were done voluntarily, stakeholder engagement was not required and societal awareness was also pretty low.
[5/2 21.03] +31 6 42051229: In 2012, this situation changed. New legislation was implemented, containing detailed rules on EIA’s and stakeholder engagement. It was at this moment as well that a new project was proposed (marine phosphate mining). Coupled to increased societal awareness, stakeholders were now better able to challenge the decision on granting an environmental permit. After all, they could now refer to official regulations on paper. In particular, the project proponent, ‘Namibian Marine Phosphate’, was criticised on the lack of stakeholder engagement and the quality of data used in the EIA.
[5/2 21.06] +31 6 42051229: You may see this has its repercussions on the fundamental factors of trust and legitimacy, thereby affecting the SLO and the level reached.
[5/2 21.08] +31 6 42051229: Next to these difficulties, also the PLO offered some important insights. Most importantly, I found that the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) were not on the same line.
[5/2 21.09] +31 6 42051229: While the MET has the responsibility to grant environmental permits for all projects (both onshore and offshore), the MFMR challenges this. In fact, the MFMR claims the MET lacks expertise on the marine environment and favours economic interests over environmental protection. The MFMR felt unheard and demands a stronger role in decision-making.
[5/2 21.11] +31 6 42051229: And apart from this disagreement and distrust at governmental level, what I found is that the MFMR joined the fisheries industry and several NGO’s in challenging the marine phosphate mining project. This is an important reason why the project has still not been able to secure an environmental permit (LLO), lacks political support (PLO) and has not convinced societal stakeholders as well (SLO).
[5/2 21.16] +31 6 42051229: But what then about marine diamond mining? Well, apart from the fact an environmental permit (LLO) is already in place, there are some additional points to consider:
[5/2 21.17] +31 6 42051229: Firstly, the Namibian government is a partner of De Beers, the diamond mining company. It has a 50% share and thus an interest in project continuation. Clearly, a PLO is in place here and the governments benefits from it.
[5/2 21.18] +31 6 42051229: Moreover, the company is an important employer for Namibians, a major tax payer and is investing in different societal projects. Generally speaking, (marine) diamond mining is seen as an economic lifeline for Namibia, with a proven track record.
[5/2 21.20] +31 6 42051229: You may recognize there the needed requirements to achieve 'economic output legitimacy', which results in the SLO level of acceptance.
[5/2 21.23] +31 6 42051229: And apart from having achieved acceptance, marine diamond mining already exists for a long time. At a small-scale already since the 1950's. This long history, added to its large economic importance, have resulted in 'cognitive legitimacy'. People do not see how Namibia would develop without this sector. And cognitive legitimacy can result in the SLO level of 'approval', which is one level higher again than acceptance.
[5/2 21.26] +31 6 42051229: Does this make them immune for public scrutiny? It is hard to look into the future. However, it seems that the societal discussion on the future for marine phosphate mining does indeed make societal stakeholders more critical on marine diamond mining as well.
[5/2 21.28] +31 6 42051229: Recently, the lack of transparency on environmental monitoring, as well as the lack of stakeholder engagement in EIA revisions have been criticized. Moreover, the range of societal benefits, compared to the potential risks of marine diamond mining, are more critically looked at now than before.
[5/2 21.29] +31 6 42051229: Consequently, it is not impossible that the status quo for marine diamond mining will change in the future. Although it is unlikely the SLO will be lost altogether, societal stakeholders may force the mining company to be more transparent and/or to invest more in the Namibian society.
[5/2 21.32] +31 6 42051229: This is it from my side. I would like to know if there are questions? After that I will still provide a short closure :)
[5/2 21.34] +62 856-3205-774: Thank you very much for your presentation including the explanation in details of the seabed mining and societal acceptance and case in Namibia.
Now is the time for discussion.
Anybody wants to ask or give opinion?